Я получил вопрос относительно того, как можно построить план и написать эссе по теме о пользе и вреде видеоигр для взрослых людей. Тематику видеоигр не так часто затрагивают в IELTS, поэтому тем интереснее поразмышлять на этот счет! Смотрим, какое эссе у меня получилось.
Читайте как можно больше тем эссе и примеров к ним, чтобы обогащать свой язык новыми грамматическими и лексическими конструкциями, пополнять свой запас аргументов и узнавать что-то новое из разных сфер жизни.
Эссе ниже я написал за 20 минут — это моя оригинальная работа, а не скопированное из Интернета эссе.
Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в сентябре 2016 года):
Nowadays many adults play video games.
Is it a good or a bad development?
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе, сразу ответив на вопрос (нужно выбрать позицию). Я выбираю «good development»
Essay body 1 – каковы минусы?
Topic sentence: video games bring drawbacks
Examples: (1) reducing real-life communication; (2) having negative impact on health; (3) developing addiction
Essay body 1 – каковы плюсы?
Topic sentence: video games bring benefits
Examples: (1) developing strategic thinking and problem-solving skills; (2) making new social connections; (3) reducing stress
Conclusion – сделаем вывод, повторив свое мнение и проведя контраст между минусами и плюсами
Готовое эссе:
It is common knowledge that video games are a part of contemporary world, and gamers of all ages engage in playing them. While some people claim that video games provide disadvantages for adult players, I suppose that their positive sides are far more dominant.
On the one hand, it could be argued that video games may have various serious negative implications on people’s lifestyles. This activity can significantly reduce real-life communication, and this could result in problems with maintaining contact with one’s surroundings. Additionally, video games are known to cause negative effects on health in the form of eyestrain, unhealthy and irregular eating, or sedentary lifestyle. Related to this, addiction from video gaming could be a dangerous consequence for an adult who could neglect their work or family commitments because gaming may hold all their attention.
However, I believe that adult gamers tend to find far more significant benefits in this type of activity. One of them is, undoubtedly, developing strategic thinking and problem-solving skills that are critical for succeeding in a video game and that can later be used in real-world situations, such as building one’s business or a career. Another notable advantage is seen in making new social connections with fellow gamers, which could grow into solid friendships because of sharing the same interests. Finally, video games can be used as a way to relieve stress because they help people to switch their mental focus and relax from everyday routines in a non-violent way.
In conclusion, although video games may have the addictive nature which could deprive an individual of a healthy life, they still have substantial advantages for mental development and interaction with like-minded gamers. Therefore, I am of the opinion that video gaming is largely a positive phenomenon.
292 words
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