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Writing task 2 (UAE)
Some businesses observe that new employees who just graduated from a college or university seem to lack interpersonal skills needed for communication with their colleagues. What could be the reason for this? What solutions can help address this problem?
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Тема о том, что, по мнению некоторых работодателей, вчерашние выпускники университетов, которые приходят на работу, имеют недостаточный уровень коммуникабельности. В чем причины? Каковы пути решения?Возможные причины:
(1) недостаток практического опыта в своей сфере, что может привести к тому, что у молодых специалистов может не оказаться общих тем для общения со своими взрослыми коллегами.
(2) недостаток жизненного опыта и проблемы в адаптации в новом социуме.Пути решения:
(1) компании могут проводить тренинги по коммуникациям специально для молодого персонала.
(2) компании могут назначать менторов среди опытных сотрудников, которые смогли бы помочь молодым в адаптации.Итог эссе: главная причина — недостаток жизненного и профессионального опыта; главное решение — внимание со стороны работодателя (тренинги и менторство со стороны взрослых коллег).
Writing task 2 (China)
Nowadays in many countries young people leave rural areas to study or work in cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
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Молодежь уезжает из сельской местности для учебы и работы в городах. Это хорошая и плохая тенденция? Плюсы перевешивают минусы?Плюсы этого явления:
(1) растет общий уровень образованности населения и улучшаются карьерные перспективы, и те же молодые люди после учебы могут вернуться в сельскую местность и вносить вклад в ее развитие.
(2) развивающаяся экономика требуется наличия трудовых ресурсов, и молодежь из сельской местности способствует растущему объему рабочей силы в производстве и сфере услуг, которые обычно сосредоточены в городах.Минусы этого явления:
(1) объем рабочей силы в селе может сокращаться ввиду нехватки работоспособного населения.
(2) интенсивная миграция из сельской местности в города может привести к перенаселению в городах и неравномерному распределению населения в стране.Итог эссе: по моему мнению, в условиях постиндустриального развития миграция из села в город имеет все же более позитивный эффект, нежели негативный, т.к. в городе карьерные возможности для молодежи намного шире.
Writing task 2 (Sri Lanka)
Some people believe that we should start giving formal education to students at a much earlier age, while others think we should wait until the age of 7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Discuss and give reasons for your answer.
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Есть мнение, что дети должны начинать учиться в школе в возрасте до 7 лет, в то время как другие люди говорят, что 7 лет — лучший возраст для этого. Вы согласны или нет? Обсудите оба мнения.Начинать учиться в школе до 7 лет — зачем?:
(1) многие дети учатся читать и писать ранее 7 лет ввиду продвинутой программы в детских садах, чего возможно не было в прошлом, поэтому дети готовы к школьной программе ранее 7 лет.
(2) уровень общей грамотности современных детей выше, чем у детей в прошлом, по причине широкого доступа к технологиям и информации в настоящее время.Начинать учиться в школе с 7 лет — зачем?:
(1) психологически дети не готовы к интенсивной академической нагрузке ввиду своего возраста — уровень усвоения материала не будет высоким.
(2) минимальный уровень грамотности дети и так получают в детских садах, и им незачем раньше времени идти в школу.Итог эссе: по моему мнению, большинству детей нет нужды начинать школьное образование ранее 7 лет, поскольку уровень усвоения материала не будет ожидаемо высоким из-за недостаточного для таких нагрузок ментального развития детей.
Writing task 2 (India / Kazakhstan)
Some parents believe that reading entertainment books is a waste of time. In their opinion, children should only read serious, educational books. Do you agree or disagree?
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Некоторые родители полагают, что детям незачем читать развлекательные книги — это пустая трата времени. Лучше читать серьезные академические книги. Вы согласны или нет?Не соглашусь. Оба типа книг важны.
Польза от развлекательных книг:
(1) развитие воображения и образного мышления.
(2) усвоение новых знаний у детей происходит лучше, если это делается через игру и при наличии развлекательного аспекта.Польза от академических и серьезных книг:
(1) такие книги также важны, потому что прививают вкус к чтению и помогают интеллектуальному развитию.
(2) эти книги развивают критическое мышление.Итог эссе: чтение вообще и оба указанных вида книг в частности крайне важны для детей, потому что они помогают видеть в чтении не рутину, а способ одновременного развлечения и обучения.
Writing task 2 (USA)
Nowadays there is a growing trend of private car ownership. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or environmental problems associated with this?
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Количество автомобилей в мире растет. Больше ли от этого плюсов или минусов, в частности для экологии?Плюсы владения автомобилем:
(1) свобода передвижения и комфорт.
(2) для кого-то — это способ показать свой социальный статус.Экологические проблемы:
(1) загазованность в городах негативно влияет на уровень жизни.
(2) рост объема мусора в природе, связанного с неиспользуемыми автомобилями.Итог эссе: тема неоднозначна, т.к. современный человек часто не может обойтись без автомобиля и не всегда осознает пагубное влияние автотранспорта на экологию. На мой взгляд, минусы перевешивают.
Writing task 2 (China)
Some people believe that companies should pay for damage they cause to the environment, while others say that the government should be responsible for such expenses. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your experience.
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Одно мнение — компании, чья деятельность загрязняет экологию, должны платить за устранение этого ущерба. Другое мнение — государство должно нести эти расходы. Согласны или нет?Мнение 1 — Компании должны нести расходы:
(1) компании должны устранять пагубные экологические последствия от своей деятельности путем переработки отходов.
(2) компании должны финансировать лечение населения через финансирование объектов здравоохранения.Мнение 2 — Государство должно нести расходы:
(1) не всегда компании могут позволить себе такие большие расходы, и поэтому государство должно их брать на себя.
(2) государство должно разработать и проводить в жизнь стандарты утилизации мусора и отходов, финансируя работу заводов по переработке мусора.Итог эссе: ответственность должна быть разделена между компаниями и государством, потому что первые должны осознавать свое влияние на экологию и постоянно стремиться к использованию «чистых» технологий. Государство же должно проводить перманентный мониторинг в этой сфере и выделять средства на контроль объемов отходов.
Writing task 2 (India)
The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
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Международное сообщество должно принять немедленные меры, чтобы все страны снизили свое потребление ископаемого топлива (газ, нефть и уголь). Согласны или нет?По логике, стоит сразу согласиться в этим утверждением.
Почему следует отказаться от этого топлива:
(1) использование fossil fuels негативно влияет на экологию, загрязняет воздух и вызывает глобальное потепление.
(2) этот вид энергии является невозобновляемым, что рано или поздно приведет к ее истощению и коллапсу мировой экономики.Чем его заменить:
(1) возобновляемые источники энергии — солнце, вода, ветер.
(2) биотопливо — на основе растительных источников.Итог эссе: следует отказываться от ископаемого топлива, т.к. оно загрязняет природу и является исчерпаемым, что может привести к пагубным экономическим и экологическим последствиям.
Writing task 2 (Indonesia)
When children start school, teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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Когда дети идут в школу, учителя имеют на них большее влияние в плане академического и социального развития, чем родители. Согласны или нет?Как учителя влияют на развитие детей:
(1) академическое — учителя дают и контролируют знания на регулярной основе, что влияет на интеллектуальный уровень детей.
(2) социальное — учителя вовлекают детей в социальную деятельность путем внеклассных мероприятий и групповой работы.Как родители влияют на развитие детей:
(1) академическое — косвенное влияние через свой пример (например, читающие родители и родители, регулярно посещающие культурные мероприятия или путешествующие).
(2) социальное — родители, контролирующие или неконтролирующие круг общения детей.Итог эссе: влияние как учителей, так и родителей важно для развития ребенка, но роль первых шире, т.к. с ними дети проводят больше времени в период учебы в школе.
Writing task 2 (China)
In the modern world it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, clothing or medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.
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В современном мире больше нет нужды использовать животных для производства еды, одежды или лекарств. До какой степени вы согласны?Роль животных в производстве еды, одежды и лекарств:
(1) во многих культурах еда животного происхождения, а также одежда, произведенная на основе животных продуктов, являются неотъемлемой частью жизни, и без животных люди обойтись не могут.
(2) животные активно используются в медицинских исследованиях, т.к. это дает более точные результаты в тестировании различных видов лечения.Как обойтись без животных в производстве еды, одежды и лекарств:
(1) некоторые страны ввиду дороговизны разведения животных и этических/гуманных соображений находят альтернативные ресурсы для производства еды и одежды — например, растительный белок в еде, синтетика в одежде.
(2) на основе современных компьютерных технологий возможно проводить сложнейшие расчеты и медицинские исследования без применения животных.Итог эссе: полностью отказаться от использования животных в этой сфере вряд ли возможно повсеместно ввиду культурных особенностей. Однако, на мой взгляд, уже существуют возможности отказаться от тестирования лекарств на животных.
Writing task 2 (Sri Lanka)
Restoration of old buildings in main cities involves enormous government expenditure. It would be more beneficial to spend this money to build new houses and roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.
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Speaking test (Pakistan)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Why did you choose this job?
– How was your first day at work?
– Did you use to save money as a child?
– Should parents give money to children?
– Should children help parents at home?
Cue Card
Talk about someone whom you helped with studies. Please say
– Who was he/she?
– Why did you help him/her?
– How did you feel after that?
– How can grandparents help their grandchildren?
– Should countries help one another?
– What can stop countries from helping one another?
Speaking test (UAE)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– What can I call you?
– Do you work or study?
– What is the weather like in your country?
– Do you like a hot or a cold climate?
– Do you like when it is raining?
– Do you think the weather has changed comparing to the past? How?
– Do you think most people enjoy a hot climate? Why/Why not?
– Do you think the weather can affect people’s mood? In what way?
Cue Card
Describe a decision that you had made with the help of another person. Please say
– What decision was it?
– When was it and who helped you?
– How did you feel after making the decision?
– Do you find making decisions easy?
– Do you think decision-making is a skill that should be developed?
– What kind of decisions do teenagers face nowadays?
– What should the government focus on when making decisions for the country?
Speaking test (Sri Lanka)
– What is your full name?
– Where do you live?
– Where do you prefer to live, in a city or a village? Why?
– When was the last time you visited a city?
– What city do you want to visit in the future? Why?
– Do you write letters often? Why / why not?
– Do you enjoy writing letters? Why / why not?
Cue Card
Talk about a sport that you really want to try in the future. Please say
– Why you like it
– When you first watched it
– When you want to play it.
– Do you think you will play this sport in the near future?
– Do you think there are differences in sports interests among children, comparing the time when you were growing up and now?
– Are there differences in sports interests at different ages?
– What is the most popular sport in your country nowadays?
– Is there an influence of business on sports nowadays?
– Do you think it is a good idea to use sportsmen in advertising?
– Has using sportsmen in advertising helped business?.
– Would business people learn anything if they played sports?
Speaking test (China)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment? Why?
– What is your favourite place there? Why?
– Do you think you will be living in this house in the future? Why?
– What kind of place would you like to live in, in the future?
– Do you prefer a dry or wet climate?
– How often does it rain in your hometown?
– Did you ever change your plans due to rain?
– What kind of activities do you like to do when it rains?
Cue Card
Talk about a thing that you would like to replace. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you want to replace it?
– What will you replace it with?
– Why don’t older people want to spend too much?
– Why is young generation spending too much on various things?
– Is it harmful for people to buy things frequently?
– Is it harmful for the economy?
– What kind of things do people like to change after some time?
– How often do they change them?
– What could be done to stop them?
Speaking test (India)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Why did you choose your job?
– Do you remember the first day of your job?
– Do you wear a watch?
– Do you want to be on time?
– Do you get angry when somebody is late?
Cue Card
Talk about your childhood friend with whom you are still in touch today. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– How and when did you both meet?
– Is he/she your best friend?
– Do you have a lot of friends?
– How often do you meet?
– What do you do together?
Speaking test (Vietnam)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Which room do you like the most? Why?
– Will you move to another place in the near future?
– How often is it raining in your city?
– Do you like to live in a place where it is humid or dry? Why?
– Do you like to go out when it is raining?
– Have you ever canceled plans because of the rain?
– Did you save any money when you were a child?
– What were you saving for?
– Did you ever give money to children as a gift?
– How do you teach children about the importance of saving money?
Cue Card
Talk about something that you wear only for special occasions. Please say
– What is it?
– Where and when did you buy it?
– How do you feel when you wear it?
– On what occasions do people wear formal clothing?
– Do you think people today wear more casual clothing than before?
– Why do you think it is so?
– Some workplaces require employees to wear uniform. Why?
– Will people behave differently when they wear a uniform? Why?
– Is it a good idea for employers to force employees to wear uniforms?
Speaking test (USA)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Did you go to cinema when you were a child?
– How often do you go there now?
– Did your taste in movies change over the years?
– Why do you think it did?
Cue Card
Talk about a complaint that you made to a company recently, and were pleased with the result. Please say
– What was the complaint?
– What did you ask them to do about it?
– Why were you pleased with the result?
– What is the best way to address complaints, in your opinion?
– Why should a business offer compensation for complaints?
Speaking test (China)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you study?
– Will you continue to live there?
– Do you like plants?
– Do you think plants make good gifts?
– Do you have any knowledge about plants?
Cue Card
Talk about your favourite comedy actor/actress. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– What do you like about him/her?
– Is he/she the same in real life?
– What places would you like to visit?
– Why would you like to visit that place?
– Who would you go there with?
– Do your parents always accompany you?
– What are the various pastimes of people in your country?
– Do you think leisure activities are different for men and women?
– Do you think age has something to do with a choice of activities?
Speaking test (Vietnam)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Why do you live there?
– Do you know any neighbours in your area?
– Do you have breakfast every day?
– Is it important to have breakfast, in your opinion?
– Do you eat the same breakfast every day?
– Do you want to change your daily routine in the future?
Cue Card
Describe a time when you received money as a gift. Please say
– When did you receive it?
– What did you do with it?
– How did you feel about it?
– Do you think people prefer to receive gifts instead of money? Why?
– Do you think parents should teach children how to save money?
– How often do you go to parks?
– Do you like to have leisure activities in open park spaces?
– What improvements would you make in parks?
– Do you usually use cash or a credit card?
– What are advantages of having a credit card?
– Do credit cards have drawbacks?
– Do you think cash will be replaced by credit cards in the future?
Speaking test (India)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What school do you go to?
– Where is it?
– Do you like your school? Why?
– What don’t you like about the school?
– What is the worst thing for you there?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet in the future. Please say
– Who is the person?
– What do you like about him/her?
– What is the interesting thing about that person?
– Explain how you would like to meet this person.
– Do you want to become a social person?
– Some people talk well and are easy to connect to. What makes them different from other people?
– Some people socialize easily and others don’t. What is the reason?
– Some people feel lonely in a big crowded city. What is the reason for that?
Speaking test (Indonesia)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe your job, please.
– What did you study in college?
– Why did you choose this course?
– Where do you live now?
– Why did you choose to live there?
– What is the difference between living in a city and a rural area?
– What city would you like to visit in the future?
Cue Card
Talk about an exercise or a trick that helps you concentrate at home or at work. Please say
– What do you do?
– When and where do you do it?
– Why is it important for you to concentrate?
– Do you always do the exact same thing to concentrate?
– Does it help you every time?
– Why do people find it difficult to concentrate?
– Why can’t people be more focused nowadays?
– Do you think there are professions where you need to concentrate more?
– Where is focus really important, in your opinion?
– Do you know any other jobs where concentration is important?
– Is it possible to learn to concentrate more?
– Why do people find it particularly difficult to concentrate for long periods of time?
– Do you think machines are better than humans, because humans get distracted more easily?
Speaking test (Bangladesh)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Why do you live there?
– Do you know neighbours in your area?
– What is your favourite colour?
– Why do you like it?
– What colour would you choose for your room?
– Why would you choose it?
– Do you drink tap or bottled water? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a language that you would like to learn apart from English. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you want to learn it?
– What benefits will you have from learning it?
– What are the difficulties of learning this language?
– Why do people learn a foreign language?
– How can we learn languages easily?
– Do you think everyone should learn a foreign language?
– Why do some people learn faster than others?
– Is there an influence of a foreign culture on your culture?
– How can we learn about other cultures apart from language study?
Speaking test (UAE)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Is it a house or a flat?
– Do you like to walk in the parks?
– What do you prefer, open or indoor parks? Why?
– What is your favourite colour?
Cue Card
Talk about a popular place in your country and say
– What and where is this place?
– What can people do or see there?
– Why is it popular?
– What are advantages and disadvantages of living in rural areas, in your opinion?
– Why do you think people decide to relocate to big cities?
– Is city planning important? Why?
Speaking test (Nepal)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you wear a watch? Why?
– Do you think it’s necessary to be on time?
– How do you spend your spare time?
Cue Card
Talk about a comic actor/actress who is popular in your country. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– Why is he/she popular?
– How did you know about him/her?
– Why are some movies personalities so famous?
– What is the difference between movie stars in the past and nowadays?
– Do you think actors earns more money than others?
– Why do you think some people try to copy movie stars?
– Is it a good or bad trend to copy them?
– Do you think boys and girls like to watch the same movies, or different ones?
Speaking test (China)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– What kind of house do you live in?
– What is your favorite room in your home?
– Will you live there for a long time?
– Do you wear a watch?
– How important is it in your country to be on time?
– How do you feel when people are late?
– Did you save money in your childhood?
– Do you give money to children?
– How can we teach children about the importance of money?
Cue Card
Talk about an interesting thing that your friend has done and you would like to do the same. Please say
– What and where was it?
– Why did he/she do it?
– Why were you influenced by it?
– Is it easy to do?
– Did people have enough facilities in the past as compared to present?
– What is the importance of family and friends in a person’s life?
– Why is there the need to have friends in a person’s life?
– Who has more influence on a person, family or friends?
– Why do you think so?
Speaking test (Canada)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Did you ever save money to buy something as a child?
– Were you given money as a gift in your childhood?
– How can parents teach children to handle money well?
– Is it important to teach children to spend money wisely?
Cue Card
Talk about an old building in your home town that you like to visit. Please say
– What and where is it?
– Why do you like to go there?
– Describe what it looks like.
– Is it important to care for old buildings?
– Who should care for old buildings, governments or people?
– How can buildings reflect on the life of the nation?
– Should governments regulate the building process or allow people to build whatever they want?
Speaking test (China)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What does your company do?
– What changes would you like to make there?
– Let’s talk about the weather.
– Do you like a hot or a cold climate?
– Do you like when it is raining?
– Do you think the weather is more important to people who play sports? Why?
– Do you think most people enjoy a hot climate? Why/Why not?
– Do you wear sunglasses?
– Do you buy expensive glasses or not? Why?
– What kind of shoes do you like? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a city in your country that you would like to visit. Please say
– What and where is it?
– What can people do there?
– Why do you want to go there?
– Will you go there by yourself or with friends?
– When do you plan to do it?
– How will it make you feel when you are there?
– When is the best time to visit it?
Speaking test (Kuwait)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Is it a house or an apartment?
– What is your favourite room at your place?
– Do you like plants?
– Do you have any plants at home?
– What activities do you do out of home?
– What indoor activities do you like?
– What outdoor activity would you like to do in the future?
Cue Card
Talk about your favorite website. Please say
– What is it?
– What is it about?
– How often do you use it? Why?
– How did you know about it?
– Why do you like it?
– Is it useful for others? Why?
– Do you know people who use this website?
– Why do you think entertainment websites are popular?
– Do you think people prefer to watch films or news on TV or the Internet?
– Do you think people prefer to get news from the Internet or newspapers?
– Do you think there will be libraries in the future?
– Is the Internet important in schools in your country?
Speaking test (Sri Lanka)
– What is your full name?
– Where do you live?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you go shopping?
– Do you wear a watch?
– Why do you wear it?
– How would you feel if someone kept you waiting?
– Why is being on time important to you?
Cue Card
Describe a street that you visited to buy something. Please say:
– Where the street is
– When you visited it
– What you bought, and
– How you felt after that.
– Do business owners give special offers when their products are about to expire?
– Do these offers have value for money?
– Why do people like to have designer clothes?
– Why do people buy things that they don’t need?
У меня был вопрос Describe teenager, а письменная часть было первая тема эссе про недостатки коммуникабельных навыков