Посмотрите некоторые задания по Writing и Speaking с официальных экзаменов в сентябре 2017 года. Используйте их для подготовки! Темами делятся люди, сдававшие IELTS. Мы даем свои комментарии на особенно интересные и каверзные, на наш взгляд, темы.
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Writing task 2
Some people believe that the government should make university education free for all. Others disagree and say students should pay for their own education.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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Должно ли государство сделать университетское образование бесплатным для всех или люди все же должны платить за него сами? Обратите внимание на то, что тема четко указывает на университетское образование, а не образование в целом. Если начать писать про образование вообще, то можно легко уйти от темы.
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Writing task 2
Many people believe sport lessons are important in school timetable. Both boys and girls should take part in sports. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion and include relevant examples from your own experience.
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Тема про то, насколько важны уроки физкультуры в школьной программе.Ответить на поставленный вопрос (Do you agree or disagree?) можно сразу в Introduction — я бы ответил agree, потому что на agree можно найти больше аргументов, чем на disagree. В Essay body придется объяснять, почему я согласен.
Аргумент 1 — спорт способствует физической и психологической разрядке. Подкрепить это можно следующими идеями/примерами:
(1) особенно в ранней школе уроки физкультуры крайне важны, потому что помогают переключиться с академической части образования на игровой режим, который все еще свойственен детям.
(2) спорт помогает здоровью, прежде всего, в физическом плане.
Аргумент 2 — спорт учит важным социальным навыкам. Вот здесь внимание! Можно запомнить эти следующие аргументы, потому что их можно применить практически в любой теме, связанной со спортом (будь то Writing или Speaking):
(1) спорт учит работать в команде.
(2) спорт приучает к конкурентной среде и учит выигрывать и проигрывать, что воспитывает характер.
Уроки физкультуры нужны, потому что в них есть много полезных преимуществ, включая психологические и физические.
Writing task 2
Billions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Instead, this money could be used to improve living conditions of people on Earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Стоит или нет тратить деньги на космические исследования или лучше их потратить на улучшение качество жизни людей на Земле?
Доводы тех людей, кто считает, что исследования космоса — это пустая трата денег:
(1) миллиарды долларов, инвестированные в космические программы, по сути не принесли значимых результатов — обычные люди не видят никаких плюсов от этого.
(2) лучше эти деньги потратить на борьбу с бедностью, решение экологических проблем и развитие медицины.
С другой стороны, сторонники космических исследований могут утверждать, что:
(1) такие исследования уже принесли много пользы — запуск спутников, развитие техники, новые открытия в физике и астрономии.
(2) космос надо продолжать изучать, чтобы понимать его возможности и опасности, исходящие из него.
Я — за космические технологии и инвестирование в них, потому что человечество уже добилось многого в этой сфере за последние десятилетия, что позитивно повлияло на нашу жизнь. В ближайшем будущем нас ждут новые открытия, которые помогут нам понять космос лучше.
Writing task 2
Many people believe that economic development is necessary for a country’s success. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such approach?
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Классическая тема на тему экономики, с которой не у каждого отношения хорошие.
Итак, тема говорит о том, что экономическое развитие нужно для успеха страны. В чем плюсы и минусы экономического развития?
Writing task 2
Many people make friends through social sites and chat rooms. Others believe that it is not a good idea to make friends without meeting them face to face. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
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Заводить друзей в социальных сетях или в реальном жизни? Тема дает два мнения, которые и стоит рассматривать в основной части эссе, а в заключительном абзаце — дать свой ответ на вопрос Do you agree or disagree?
Аргументы в пользу того, чтобы заводить друзей в социальных сетях:
(1) соц.сети удобны тем, что помогают наладить общение с людьми, которые находятся далеко, и без соц.сетей было бы крайне трудно найти людей со схожими интересами.
(2) социальная сеть может стать первичной платформой, чтобы узнать о новом человеке, потому что соц.сети работают по принципу «друзья друзей», что может быть очень полезным.
Аргументы в пользу того, чтобы заводить друзей при личном общении:
(1) потенциальный новый друг может дать ложную информацию о себе в соц.сети, что может повлиять на желание продолжать с ним общаться дальше.
(2) ложь при личной встрече так же может иметь место, то это довольно часто можно легко определить, когда видишь человека.
Итог (ответ на вопрос):
Соц.сети — отличный способ завести новых друзей, и может стать хорошим дополнением к способу узнать новых людей в живую.
Writing task 2
Some people think that schools should teach students to understand about right, wrong and good behaviour instead of this being only parents’ responsibility. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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Некоторые люди считают, что не только родители, но и школа должна учить студентов тому, что хорошо и плохо. Согласны или нет?Я бы построил эссе так:
Абзац 1: почему все же родители — главный источник информации о том, что хорошо и плохо:
(1) истоки поведения ребенка закладываются в семье, потому что ребенок имитирует поведение взрослых.
(2) поэтому родителям нужно не воспитывать ребенка, а воспитывать себя и своим примером показывать, как отличить хорошее от плохого.
Абзац 2: почему школа должна также принимать участие в этом:
(1) школа все же должна принимать участие в воспитании студентов, потому что они находятся в школе довольно большой отрезок времени ежедневно и проявляют различные виды поведения.
(2) школа — это социум, и молодой человек в этом социуме должен получать жизненные уроки.
Итог (ответ на вопрос):
Я соглашусь с тем, что не только родители, но и школа должны вместе принимать участие в воспитании.
Writing task 2
These days many advertisements are aimed at children. What effect do you think they have? Should advertising to children be more controlled and regulated?
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Многие виды рекламы нацелены на детей. Нужно ответить на два поставленных вопроса.
Writing task 2
Some people think that it is necessary to travel another country to learn about it. Others argue that all the information is available on TV and the Internet. Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.
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Writing task 2
Many people believe it is the school’s responsibility to teach children not to eat junk food. Others believe parents should do this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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Writing task 2
Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others believe that we cannot be expected to enjoy the job continually and having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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Writing task 2
Nowadays the level of violence is increasing in video games and some TV programs. What are the reasons behind this? What can be the the effects and solutions?
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Writing task 2
Education system is introducing more academic subjects instead of exercises and sports. How will it impact the children? What can be done about it?
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Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your job?
– Do you like history? Why?
– Is there a historic person you would like to know more about?
– What do you think about history study?
– What would you prefer, a surface or underground transport in a big city?
– Why is that?
Cue Card
Talk about a website that helped you to do something. Please say
– What website is it?
– How did you know about it?
– How often do you use it?
– How does it help you?
– What do you think about the Internet and technology?
– How did it change the world?
– Do you consider the Internet as a way of entertainment?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like it?
– Do you like to travel by bus or car?
– Why is that?
– What transport facilities are available in your hometown? Why?
– Do people like to travel by public transport in your country?
– Why do they do so?
– Do you see a difference between transportation in the past and nowadays?
– Why do most people in crowded areas like to travel by bus or other public transport?
– What are the merits of using public transport?
– Do you think that in the future people will prefer to travel by private transport more?
– Why is that?
Cue Card
Describe two members of the same family, that you know well. Please say
– Who are they?
– How did you meet them?
– What kind of similarities or differences do they have?
– Why do you think they are similar to each other?
– Do you think that children should learn more about their family?
– What kind of things should children learn in particular?
– Is family life important in your country? Why?
– Can children learn the same things about family life from the society in general?
– How do parents influence children’s life?
– Do you think all parents motivate their children to have a good career?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your job?
Cue Card
Describe an organization or a company that you know. Please say
– How big is it?
– Do you find this company successful? Why?
– What can you say about the working environment there?
– Do you think a company should give everyone a job opportunity?
– Should everyone get retirement benefits?
– Do you think a company should pay higher salaries?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
Cue Card
Talk about an activity you had done for the first time, that you were excited about. Please say
– What and where did you do?
– Who was there with you?
– Why did you like it so much?
– Was it a dangerous activity, in your opinion?
– Do people get enough information about it?
– What do you want to try next?
– Why?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your job?
– Would you consider taking a course related to your job in the future?
– Do you like when it rains?
– Did you ever go out when it rained without an umbrella?
– Why do you like/dislike rainy weather?
– Does rain affect your work? In what way?
– What do you do with your family on holidays?
– Where would you like to go on your next holiday?
Cue Card
Describe your perfect home (a house or an apartment) that you would like to have in the future. Please say:
– When you would like to have it
– Where it would be located
– What it would look like
– What is the difference between contemporary and old buildings?
– Why do people migrate to big cities?
– How can it affect city life?
– What changes do you see happening to future buildings?
– Would traditional houses diminish in the future?
– Why were people happy in the past living in traditional houses?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Will you continue your job in the future? Why?
– What do you like the most about your job?
Cue Card
Talk about a child you spent some time with. Please say
– who the child was
– what you did together
– how you felt after spending time with this child
– Describe your vision of raising children and the relationship with them.
– Do all children like music?
– Why do you think it is so?
– What is the relationship between children and music?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Did you like your secondary school?
– What subject didn’t you like there?
– Why do you think it wasn’t enjoyable?
– Would you like to be a teacher?
Cue Card
Describe an event that was important in your country’s history. Please say
– What was the event?
– Was there a person who played the main role in the event?
– Why was it so important, in your opinion?
– Is learning history important?
– How can people learn history nowadays?
– Are there any other ways to do it?
– What is the role of museums in history study?
Speaking test
– Tell me your full name, please.
– Where do you live?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Do you like it?
– Will you continue living in this apartment or perhaps you have other plans?
– Do you travel by bus?
– Do you prefer underground or bus?
– Would you use a bus in the future?
– Do you think that government should improve bus services?
Cue Card
Talk about a useful website that you like. Please say
– what website this is
– how you discovered it
– what you use it for
– What are the effects of the Internet on children?
– Do you think that it is good?
– Does the Internet replace TV in entertainment?
– What is the role of Internet in education?
– Can you depend on it?
– Some people think that online learning will eventually replace the traditional teaching methods, what is your opinion?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Where do you live?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– How often do you use email?
– When are you really required to use email?
Cue Card
Talk about a city you have visited recently. Please say
– What city is it?
– When did you visit it?
– What did you do there?
– Who did you go there with?
– What geographical advantages are required for a city development?
– Are there any famous buildings in your city?
– Can you name a few?
– How could they affect the development?
– How can transportation, businesses and weather affect the city development?
– Do you think city development requires planning to take place before the development starts?
– Can you name a city that was planned in advance, and talk about its advantages?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– What kind of house would you prefer in the future?
– How do you feel when it’s a sunny day?
– What do people do usually on a sunny day?
– What do you do when it’s sunny outside?
– How is solar power used in your country?
– Let’s talk about jewellery.
– Do you like jewellery?
– What kind of jewellery do you like?
– When do you wear jewellery?
Cue Card
Talk about a person you know well, who helps and supports you. Please say
– Who is the person?
– How did you meet him/her?
– How does this person help or support you?
– Who is more supportive at a workplace, men or women?
– Why do you think it is so?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team?
– Do you think companies should provide childcare facilities to employees?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Where do you live?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– How often do you use email?
– When are you really required to use email?
Cue Card
Talk about a city you have visited recently. Please say
– What city is it?
– When did you visit it?
– What did you do there?
– Who did you go there with?
– What geographical advantages are required for a city development?
– Are there any famous buildings in your city?
– Can you name a few?
– How could they affect the development?
– How can transportation, businesses and weather affect the city development?
– Do you think city development requires planning to take place before the development starts?
– Can you name a city that was planned in advance, and talk about its advantages?