Задания из IELTS в мае 2017

Посмотрите на некоторые задания по Writing и Speaking с официальных экзаменов в мае 2017 года и используйте их для подготовки! Темами делятся люди, сдававшие IELTS. Мы даем свои комментарии на особенно интересные и каверзные, на наш взгляд, темы.

Конечно, не стоит надеяться на то, что эти темы будут повторяться на будущих экзаменах, но помните, что чем больше тем вы проработаете, тем понятнее вам станет формат IELTS и тем подкованнее вы будете. Тематика по сути имеет свои пределы, и, возможно, темы их подобных сфер жизни могут оказаться на вашем экзамене!

Указанные темы взяты с отличного англоязычного сайта для подготовки к IELTS www.ielts-blog.com. Для вашего удобства я собрал темы в один пост.

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Writing task 2
Some people believe that no homework should be given to children. Others, however, say that extra work is needed after school for children and teenagers in order to succeed.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

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Тема о необходимости домашних заданий для тинейджеров.
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Writing task 2
Some people believe that looking after our health is a duty to the society we live in rather than a personal need. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Я писал эссе на очень схожую тему в марте 2017 года.
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Writing task 2
Nowadays people usually retire at the age of 60 or 65, but some want to keep working as long as they can. Is this a positive or a negative development? Give you own opinion and relevant examples.

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Хорошо ли, если люди в возрасте 60-65 лет уходят на пенсию или не уходят на пенсию и продолжают работать?
Чтобы построить полноценное эссе, можно рассмотреть обе стороны:
Доводы в пользу того, что люди уходят на пенсию:
(1) у пенсионеров появляется больше времени на себя — хобби, садоводство, путешествия
(2) у пенсионеров появляется больше времени для семьи — уход за внуками
(3) человек не может работать по состоянию здоровья или ввиду сложной работы, которая не подходит пожилому человеку

Доводы в пользу того, что люди продолжают работать, достигнув пенсионного возраста:
(1) если у пенсионера свой бизнес, который приносит деньги и удовольствие, то человек выбирает работу
(2) пенсионер может быть отличным и редким специалистом, который может передать свои знания молодым специалистам

Нужно ответить на вопрос: Is this a positive or a negative development that people continue working at the age of 60-65?
Возможный ответ: Positive development, потому что наступление пенсионного возраста не означает конец жизни, и если человеку здоровье позволяет работать, то почему нет? Продолжительность жизни в наше время увеличилась, а значит улучшилась работоспособность людей.



Writing task 2
Many parents allow their children to play games on computers and other electronic devices because it helps to develop their technical skills. Do you think the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages?

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Родители позволяют детям играть в игры в телефонах и других гаджетах, потому что игры улучшают технические навыки. Преимущества перевешивают недостатки?
Доводы в пользу игр на электронных устройствах, развивающих технические навыки:
(1) игры могут развивать навыки управления устройствами
(2) игры могут развивать навыки реакции, быстрого принятия решений
Недостатки игр:
(1) бесконтрольное использование игр может пагубно влиять на здоровье ребенка и его психологическое состояние
(2) компьютерные игры — это не главный фактор, влияющий на развитие технических навыков. Требуется специальное обучение
Возможный ответ на вопрос в теме — Минусы все же перевешивают плюсы. Требуется контроль со стороны родителей в том, сколько времени и с какими играми ребенок имеет дело. Игры сами по себе не могут достаточно развить технические навыки, а только дать общее представление о работе техники.


Writing task 2
Nowadays young people are spending most of their leisure time using smartphones and tablets for entertaining. Is it a positive or a negative development? Give your own opinion and examples.

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Сегодня молодые люди пользуются своими гаджетами в развлекательных целях большую часть своего времени. Это хорошо или плохо?
Доводы в пользу такого типа развлечений:
(1) возможность общения с людьми, которые находятся далеко
(2) быстрый доступ к музыке, кино, играм
Доводы против такого типа развлечений:
(1) злоупотребление таким типом развлечений ведет к недостатку активного отдыха, более физически и умственно полезного для молодых людей (например, чтение и спорт)
(2) нехватка живого общения, что может привести к психологическим проблемам
Возможный ответ на вопрос в теме — скорее, это negative development. Хотя плюсы такого типа развлечения существенны, но тратить на это большую часть своего времени не стоит. Активные виды отдыха приносят больше пользы.


Writing task 2
Some people think that if a country is already rich, any addition in economic wealth does not make its citizens happier. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Вопрос философского плана, какие в IELTS встретишь нередко. Попробуем построить план.

Идеи для Essay body 1: богатство может удовлетворить, как правило, только физические потребности, но это только одна сторона счастья
(1) доход удовлетворяет нужду в материальных вещах (от еды до дома)
(2) в масштабе всей страны: богатые страны много тратят на общественные услуги, чтобы сделать жизнь комфортнее, но это опять затрагивает только материальную сторону
Идеи для Essay body 2: многие нематериальные вещи делают людей счастливыми
(1) семья и друзья
(2) возможность помогать другим (благотворительность)
Итог: кратко о том, что счастье — это не только материальная сторона богатства, но и отношения с людьми.

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Writing task 2
Nowadays many parents believe that children’s usage of tablets or computers would be good for their future academic career. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such belief? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

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Похожая тема есть выше.


Writing task 2
Many companies invest their money in sport games for advertisement purposes. Some people think it is good for the sport world, while others believe that it has some disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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Многие компании вкладывают деньги в спорт с целью рекламирования себя. Некоторые считают, что это хорошо для спорта, в то время как другие видят в этом недостатки. Нужно рассмотреть оба мнения и показать свою точку зрения.
Доводы в пользу того, что компании инвестируют в спорт:
(1) такое финансирование спорта полезно, потому что государство не всегда может позволить себе затраты на спорт, а продвижение спорта в массы — это всегда польза.
(2) пропаганда спорта способствует популярности здорового образа жизни, и спортсмены своим примером стимулируют население заниматься спортом.
Доводы против того, что компании инвестируют в спорт:
(1) не все товары компаний, финансирующих спорт, могут быть полезны — фаст-фуд или алкоголь.
(2) деньги таких компаний больше могли бы пригодиться в других сферах, которые требуют финансирования или пристального внимания — помощь бедным, инвестиции в медицину и образование.
Возможный ответ на вопрос в теме — я бы выбрал мнение о том, что такое финансирование позитивно влияет на мир спорта, потому что это способствует вовлечению большего числа людей в занятия спортом.


Writing task 2
Some animal species are now completely extinct. Many people believe that we should prevent this from happening in the future. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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Трудная тема, хотя кажется легкой на первый взгляд.
Некоторые виды животных полностью исчезли в настоящее время. Многие думают, что мы должны что-то делать, чтобы виды не исчезали. Согласны или не согласны?
Доводы в пользу защиты видов:
(1) животные способствуют естественным биологическим процессам — опыление, поедание вредных растений и животных.
(2) эстетический довод — исчезновение видов нарушает природный баланс и мешает людям наслаждаться красотой природы (экотуризм растет в своей популярности, поэтому даже с экономической точки зрения сохранение видов выгодно человечеству).
Мы не можем полностью влиять на исчезновение видов:
(1) природные условия сильнее человека и могут вызывать естественное исчезновение видов животных.
(2) остановить индустриальный рост, отчасти ведущий к исчезновению видов, остановить невозможно, потому что такой рост важен для жизни человечества.
Возможный ответ на вопрос «Do you agree or disagree?» — Agree, человек должен прилагать все возможные усилия для сохранения видов животных. Исключением являются природные катаклизмы, которые влекут исчезновение видов животных и на которые человек не может влиять.

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Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What did you like about your high school?
– What didn’t you like about it?
– Would you like to be a school teacher? Why or why not?
– Did you wear a watch when you were a child?
– Did anyone give you a watch as a gift?
– Who was it?
– Do you wear a watch now? Why?

Cue Card

Talk about a decision someone made on your behalf that you disagreed with. Please say

– when this happened
– what the decision was
– who made it and why
– and explain why you disagreed with it.


– What are the important decisions young people have to make these days?
– Do you think young people can and should make decisions themselves?
– What personality types can make better decisions? Why?
– What personality traits should a politician have to make good decisions?
– Why do you think so?

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Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your job?
– What do you do there?
– Do you need to work extra hours?
– How would you like to spend free time if you had it?

Cue Card

Tell me about a quiet place that you last visited. Please say

– What and where is it?
– When did you visit it?
– Who did you visit it with?


– Did you like or dislike it? Why?
– Why do you think Golden Temple is a quiet place?
– What are other places people like to go to?
– Are there other places to visit except historical landmarks?
– Please give some examples.
– What are the main sources of noise in your city?
– How can infrastructure be linked?
– How can the government reduce noise pollution?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you like it?
– Will you live there in the future?
– Let’s talk about mirrors.
– Do you have a mirror at home?
– Do you watch yourself in the mirror? Why?
– Would you buy a piece of clothing without checking what it looks like in the mirror?
– Do you think it’s nice to have mirrors in a house?

Cue Card

Describe an event that you had to wait for. Please say

– What was the event?
– Why did you have to wait for it?
– What did you do while waiting?


– Let’s talk about patience.
– What do you think about patience?
– Do we have to wait more or less for things to happen nowadays?
– Does patience reflect on society?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What do you like the most about your job?
– Do you like history?
– Do you watch TV programs about history?
– Who is the famous person from history are you interested in? Why?

Cue Card

Talk about a free item you were offered as a promotion in a shopping centre. Please say

– Why were you offered it?
– What was the item?
– What did you do with it?


– Is it a good idea for manufacturers to give people their products as free samples?
– Do you think spraying perfume in shopping malls to introduce them to people is a good way?
– Do people in your country like to get free goods?
– Do you have any religious or traditional custom involving free food or things being offered to others?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Can you describe your home town?
– What are some interesting things to see there?
– Is it a good place to live in?
– Will you continue to live there in the future?
– Let’s talk about dreams.
– How often do you remember dreams after waking up?
– Do you like to listen to other people’s dreams?
– Would you like to study about dreams in the future?

Cue Card

Talk about a time when you had to wait to hear some important news. Please say

– What was the news or event that made you wait? Why?
– When and where did you hear the news?
– Describe your feelings after hearing it.


– Let’s talk about things that make people wait.
– What are they?
– Can waiting be boring sometimes? Why?
– Some people don’t like waiting, why do you think it is so?
– Adults can wait for longer than children. Why?
– How did people from different countries communicate in the past?
– Do you think being patient is good?
– Is there a change in people’s patience today compared to the past?

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Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– What can you see through your window?
– Do you like chocolate?
– Did you like it as a child?
– Why is chocolate so popular?
– Have you ever been given chocolate as a gift?
– Did you use to read books as a teenager?
– Do you buy or borrow books?
– Why is that?
– Do you read books online?

Cue Card

Talk about a tall building you know. Please say

– What and where is it?
– What does it look like?
– Do you like or dislike it? Why?


– Does climate affect house construction?
– Why do some people choose to build houses themselves?
– Do you think architects have challenges in creating houses today?
– Why do you think it is so?
– Do we need to construct houses near historical sites?
– Will aesthetic value of these historical places be reduced if construction is allowed?
– Why do you think so?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like reading books?
– Do you prefer to buy or borrow books?
– Tell me about a celebrity in your country.
– Would you like to be a celebrity?

Cue Card

Describe an advertisement that you have seen recently and liked. Please say

– What type of ad was it?
– What was advertised?
– How did you feel about it? Why?


– How effective are advertisements in your opinion?
– Should they be controlled by the government?
– What aspects should be controlled in particular?
– Why do you think so?
– Do you think spending more on an advertisement makes it better?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?

Cue Card

Describe a painting or a work of art that you saw and liked. Please say

– What is it?
– Where and when did you see it?
– Explain the impression it made on you.


– Do you like arts in general?
– What kind of art do you like more?
– Why is that?
– Do you engage in art-related activities yourself? Why?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Can you describe your job?
– Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day?
– Let’s talk about friendship.
– What do you prefer, one best friend or a lot of friends?
– Do you have many friends?
– What do you usually do with your friends?
– What is one thing you wouldn’t forget to bring when you go out? Why?
– What do you usually forget to bring when you go out? Why?
– What do you carry during the day that you don’t need at night when you go out?
– What can you say about the changes in family life in your country recently?
– Is technology affecting family lifestyle?
– In what way?
– What is the importance of extended family?

Cue Card

Talk about two people from the same family that you know well. Please say

– Who are they?
– How are they related?
– What are the similarities between them?


– Do you have a big family?
– Who is your favourite person in your family?
– Why is that?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Describe your hometown, please.
– Do you like living there?
– Why is that?
– Let’s talk about music.
– Do you like pop music?
– Why do you like it?
– What pop stars do you like?
– Have you seen any of them in person?

Cue Card

Talk about some happy news you received about a person you know well. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– What was the news?
– Why did you feel happy?


– Let’s talk about happy news in general.
– How do people celebrate happy news in your hometown or city?
– Do you share happy news with other people?
– Why do you think some people get jealous?
– What kind of events are celebrated in your country?
– Let’s talk about news on TV and radio.
– Some say the media should report more happy news than bad news.
– Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
– Why do you think so?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Do you send emails?
– How will emails work in the future?
– What could emails be useful to you for?
– Where do you live now?
– Can you describe your home?
– Would you like to move to a different place? Why?
– What would be the main reason for you to change your house?
– What will you have in your own house?

Cue Card

Describe your experience of changing schools or moving home. Please say

– What was your experience?
– How did you feel about meeting new classmates or neighbors?
– Would you do it again in the future? Why?


Don’t remember.

Так как человек не помнит, чем закончился его Speaking, давайте представим, какие могли бы быть вопросы в заключительной части Speaking.
Why do people decide to move to another city or country?
What kind of professions make people change their place of living?
What are the advantages of moving to a new place, such as school, job, city or country?
Are there any disadvantages in that?
Is it easier for children to move somewhere than for adults or older people?
Why do some people decide to change their lives?


Speaking test


– What is your name?
– Where are you from?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe the place where you live.
– Is it easy to get there?
– What kind of transportation do you use?
– What kind of shoes do you prefer: fashionable or comfortable?
– Is it good to have a lot of shoes?

Cue Card

Talk about an occasion on which you had to try a new activity for the first time.
Please say

– What kind of activity was it?
– Where did it happen?
– Why did it happen?
– Explain what you learnt from that experience.


– Why do people try dangerous sports?
– Do people in your country try these sports?
– Should they think about their families?
– What can be done to replace dangerous sports with some other activities?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Do you have house chores? What are they?
– What else do you do around the house?
– Did you help your parents with household chores as a child?
– Do you think it’s essential for kids to do household chores?
– Why do you think so?
– Do you think money is the main component when selecting a field of work?
– What other factors are important when selecting a future job?

Cue Card

Talk about your plans for the future, other than work or study. Please say

– What do you plan to do?
– What will you do to make it happen?
– How will you feel, if your plan succeeds?


– What is your general day to day plan?
– Why do some people hate planning ahead?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of planning?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Let’s talk about television.
– How often do you watch TV?
– When do you usually watch it?
– What programs do you like to watch? Why?
– Do you like indoor games?
– What games do you prefer?
– Do you play computer games?

Cue Card

Talk about a polite person that you know. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– How did you two meet?
– Why is he/she so polite?


– Do you consider yourself a polite person?
– Who is more polite, younger or older generation? Why?
– How do people show respect to others in your country?


Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Where do you live now?
– What type of house do you live in?
– What would you like in your future home?
– Do you like traveling by bus?

Cue Card

Talk about an interesting conversation that you had with a person that you don’t know. Please say

– What was the conversation about?
– Who was that person?
– Why was it an interesting conversation?


– Do you prefer face-to-face or phone conversations?
– Why is that?
– Is there a difference between male and female conversations?


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