Из тем Writing Task 2, которые использовались на официальных тестах IELTS в некоторых странах мира в апреле 2017 года, я выбрал одну и написал возможный вариант эссе. Посмотрите его.
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Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в апреле 2017 года):
Nowadays most developing countries receive financial aid from international organisations. However, many people believe that help in a form of advice and skills is more important and useful than money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе
Essay body 1 –
Topic sentence: Помощь в виде денег
(1) Финансирование необходимо на текущие нужды — выплата государственного долга, на социальные выплаты населению или на инфраструктурные проекты.
(2) Финансирование необходимо в периоды природных катастроф — землетрясение или наводнение, когда срочно нужна помощь.
Essay body 2 –
Topic sentence: Помощь в виде advice/skills
(1) Этот способ очень эффективен, чтобы стимулировать страну развиваться, а не зависеть постоянно от иностранного финансирования, которое подразумевает долги и проценты по этим долгам.
(2) Следует организовать программы обучения специалистов в ключевых сферах — наука, госуправление, экономика и прочее, чтобы специалисты затем смогли принимать более эффективные решения, влияющие на будущее страны.
Conclusion – нужен баланс между этими двумя способами помощи. В то время как прямое финансирование крайне важно в определенных ситуациях, помощь в виде обучения — это вклад в будущее страны.
Готовое эссе:
There is a debate in the society over the forms of international financial aid to developing countries in order to sustain their development. Some people argue that providing international help in the form of training or advice is more effective than purely monetary aid. Both opinions have grounds, and it is necessary to take into account various situations that require different types of aid from international organizations.
Thus, the proponents of financial aid claim that money serves as the best tool to solve problems in poor countries. This could be exemplified by current financial needs that have to be covered by a developing country, such as servicing international debts, subsidizing social payments to citizens or developing vital local infrastructures. Another important consideration could be the time when a country suffers from natural disasters, namely earthquakes or floods, which require immediate external financial assistance in order to rectify the damage caused.
However, the opponents of international financial aid assert that helping with skills or advice would be more beneficial. These people prove this by the fact that newly acquired skills would bolster the socioeconomic development of a country and avoid dependence on international loans that would subsequently multiply state debt. According to this approach, scientists, public servants or economists should be properly trained by international experts in order to ensure making efficacious government-level decisions in the future.
With both sides considered, I would point out that there should be a reasonable balance in choosing an international aid strategy. In situations requiring immediate monetary solutions, financial aid is justified; however, international help in the form of shared expertise and skills has to be a priority for any developing country that aims to improve its sustainability in the long run.
11 sentences
287 words
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