Из тем Writing Task 2, которые использовались на официальных тестах IELTS в некоторых странах мира в марте 2017 года, я выбрал одну и написал возможный вариант эссе. Посмотрите его.
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Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в марте 2017 года):
Governments spend a lot of money on wildlife protection instead of starting new projects. Is this a positive or a negative trend? Give your opinion and examples from your experience.
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе
Essay body 1 – Positive trend
Topic sentence: protecting wildlife is important
(1) сохранение окружающей среды — это важный аспект жизни страны, и охрана природных богатств для будущих поколений должна быть приоритетом для государства.
(2) инвестирование в охрану природы может быть оправдано тем, что в страну могут приезжать многочисленные экотуристы, и государство может извлекать их такого вида туризма материальную выгоду.
Essay body 2 – Negative trend
Topic sentence: investing in other projects is also a priority
(1) финансирование новых проектов в сфере экономики и общественной жизни — это ключевая задача правительства, чтобы развивать экономику и повышать уровень жизни населения.
(2) новые проекты могут помочь стране улучшить свой имидж на международной арене.
Conclusion – сделаем вывод, дав свое мнение о том, что финансирование охраны природы — это позитивная тенденция, и это прямая инвестиция в будущее страны.
Готовое эссе:
In some countries, governments put a notable emphasis on subsidizing the protection of nature and wildlife, but some people claim that other important projects should rather be funded. The following paragraphs will shed light on both positions and will present my concluding viewpoint.
It is hard to deny that taking care of flora and fauna species plays a vital role for any country for several reasons. One of them is seen in the fact that wildlife conservation should be the top priority for any government in order to maintain the environmental balance and to save the biodiversity for future generations. On the other hand, investing in this sphere could also be justified by the growing worldwide popularity of eco-tourism that the government should hold as a significant source of income for the economy.
Conversely, those people who oppose the increased spending on environmental protection believe that new projects would be more beneficial for the country. It is a common knowledge that developing the economy and elevating living standards in the society through socially important projects are among primary duties of the government. In addition, new projects related, for example, to adopting new technologies or improving local infrastructure could positively contribute to the country’s image on global arena and enhance international cooperation in various spheres.
With both opinions in mind, I would like to point out that governmental spending on protecting wildlife is largely a positive trend since it should be considered a long-term investment in the future of the country. Saving the natural resources and wildlife species would not only enable the present government to pass those to future generations, but would also generate revenue from tourists who could indirectly sustain those resources with their money.
10 sentences
286 words
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