Подкаст MyIELTS 090 — Cambridge IELTS 16, Speaking Test 1

Этим эпизодом начинаем практику Speaking по вопросам сборника Cambridge IELTS 16 — ответы на вопросы Speaking в тесте 1

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Берем аутентичные вопросы IELTS Speaking для практики. Для этого я воспользовался одним из последних изданий Cambridge IELTS — сборником номер 16.


Вопросы, на которые я отвечал

The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.


People you work with
• Who do you spend most time working with?
• What kinds of things do you work on with other people?
• Are there times when you work better by yourself?
• Is it important to like the people you work with?


Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:
what this tourist attraction is
when and why visited it
what you did there

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this tourist attraction.


Discussion topics:

Different kinds of tourist attractions

Example questions:
• What are the most popular tourist attractions in your country?
• How do the types of tourist attractions that younger people like to visit compare with those that older people like to visit?
• Do you agree that some tourist attractions should be free to visit?

The importance of international tourism

Example questions:
• Why is tourism important to a country?
• What are the benefits to individuals of visiting another country as tousists?
• How necessary is it for tourists to learn the language of the country they’re visiting?

Попробуйте и вы ответить на эти вопросы — подобная практика помогает самостоятельно выстраивать свои идеи в устной форме.




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Онлайн-интенсив IELTS Speaking


  • доступ к учебной платформе с ресурсами Speaking и банку вопросов
  • 6 индивидуальных онлайн-занятий с IELTS-тренером
  • пробные экзамены Speaking с разбором устной речи
  • разбор Speaking Part 1, 2 и 3 с практикой
  • психология IELTS Speaking