Вы путаете Bored и Boring?

Эти два слова часто неправильно используют для выражения скуки. Посмотрим на оба эти слова, а также на еще два родственные им применительно к Speaking Part 1.

Как правильно выразить по-английски понятие «мне скучно»? I’m bored или I’m boring?

Между словами bored и boring есть фундаментальная разница:
I’m bored — Мне скучно
I’m boring — Я скучный

Поэтому когда в следующий раз вы решите рассуждать о скуке, вспомните эту разницу и не ошибайтесь.

Далее взглянем не примеры ответов из Speaking Part 1 с использованием 4 однокоренных слов: to bore, boredom, bored и boring.

В Speaking Part 1 часто просят описать ваш родной город или рассказать об учебе/работе. Вот как можно применить слова о скуке в ответах на подобные вопросы.

Начнем с глагола:


to bore — утомлять

Q: Tell me a little bit about your hometown.

A: I’m not going to bore you with Wikipedia details about my hometown. I just want to say that it’s a pretty quiet place with friendly people, some great outdoors and a lot of students because we have 5 universities in town.

Q: Do you like your school?

A: To be honest, it sometimes bores me a lot. I don’t understand why we study certain subjects that I will never apply in real life. For example, calculus. I just need to know how to add, deduct, multiply and subtract. Not all those complicated concepts for which I don’t really know the English words to describe them.


boredom — скука

Q: What do you dislike about your job?

A: Boredom. In a couple of recent months, I’ve realized that I’ve been doing the same kind of things every day. This routine is not for me any more. I have to answer the same kind of emails and send the same kind of reports to my boss every Tuesday. I want more creativity, you know, but it’s hardly possible when you are an accounts manager in a grocery store.


bored — скучающий, утомленный (to be bored, to feel bored)

Q: How do you feel when you watch the news?

A: I feel bored. Especially these days when all the news are all about COVID, vaccines, new lockdowns and things like that.


boring — скучный, вызывающий скуку

Q: What do you like about the city where you live?

A: Actually, not much. It’s a boring place. There’s not much to do there except for hanging out in a local shopping mall. You know, the whole city is there each weekend. And for many people this is the ultimate pleasure they can think about in life.


Немного практики

Вставьте bored, boring, bore или может быть boredom в зависимости от ситуации.

1. When I’m ________, I watch old cartoons.

2. I don’t usually _____ people with my problems, but when I need to talk to someone, I call my best friend.

3. We got ______ five minutes after this show started.

4. Writers nowadays need to be rather innovative so as not to _____ their readers.

5. My boss is so ______. All she cares about is work.

6. I always pack my daily schedule with a lot of things (mainly, chores, sports and reading) to avoid _______.


1. bored
2. bore
3. bored
4. bore
5. boring
6. boredom

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