Вокабуляр по теме «Мясо»

Описание блюд из мяса обычно дается непросто многим из нас, потому что не хватает лексики. Исправляем это!

beef — говядина

veal |viːl| — телятина

mutton |ˈmʌtn| — баранина

lamb |læm| — ягнятина

pork — свинина

poultry |ˈpəʊltrɪ| — мясо птицы

chicken — курятина

turkey — индейка

mince |mɪns| — мясной фарш

meatballs |ˈmiːtˌbɒlz| — мясные шарики, фрикадельки


Вот как эти слова и фразы могут выглядеть в контексте:

Chicken consumption is increasing faster than any other meat in the globe, whereas pork (second popular in the world) consumption is declining in even its most popular areas.

According to a recent report, chicken is one of the most popular poultry types among people throughout the world.

Beef and veal come third. Last year, the world consumed 130 billion pounds of beef.

Lamb is the meat obtained from sheep between the ages of one month and one year. It is different from mutton which is the meat from older sheep, 2-3 years old. The European Union is the world’s largest lamb consumer and importer.

Turkey meat is slightly darker than chicken meat, but it has fewer calories. It is drier than chicken meat, especially the breast.

Mince, or minced meat, is a popular type of processed meat, which is then used to make patties for burgers or meatballs.

[частично использованы материалы сайта thecoldwire.com]


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