Подкаст MyIELTS 042 — IELTS Writing Task 2: эффекты онлайн-шоппинга

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Тема онлайн-шоппинга может проскальзывать не только в Writing, но и в Speaking, поэтому польза будет двойная!

Давайте посмотрим на тему, план и готовое эссе. Вы сможете взять для себя лексику, организацию абзацев, и, конечно, грамматические конструкции уровня С1-С2, что равняется IELTS Band 8+.

Тема эссе:

The trend of online shopping is increasing significantly. What effect does it have on the environment and society in general?

Примерный план может выглядеть так:

Влияние онлайн-шоппинга на окружающую среду:
(1) растет объем мусора из-за упаковочного материала, который используется для продаваемых онлайн товаров.
(2) растет загрязнение окружающей среды ввиду растущего объема транспортировки/доставки товаров, заказанных онлайн.

Влияние онлайн-шоппинга на общество:
(1) положительное — доступность товаров и снижение их цены для потребителей.
(2) отрицательное — изобилие товаров онлайн ведет к росту потребления и покупок товаров, которые не нужны.

Онлайн-шоппинг имеет двоякое влияние на общество и вызывает опасение специалистов относительно его негативного влияния на окружающую среду.

Готовое эссе:

The rising popularity of shopping online has prompted experts to evaluate its overall impact. Thus, there is an opinion that online shopping may cause serious environmental consequences and mixed influence on the society as a whole. The following paragraphs will summarize both impact dimensions of this phenomenon before presenting a reasoned conclusion.

Firstly, the environmental effects may include various types of pollution as a result of rapidly developing online shopping. For instance, packaging is seen as a major contributor to the rising amounts of non-biodegradable garbage, especially plastic used by producers and retailers as the means of protecting the goods transported to end consumers. Air pollution appears to be another detrimental effect that stems from increased cargo transportation boosted by the expanding global online sales industry. Thus, this type of shopping clearly threatens the ecology.

When considering the influence of online shopping on the society, both positive and negative aspects should be taken into account. Among obvious advantages is a wide spectrum of goods available and hence more competitive prices than those in traditional shops. However, such abundance would inevitably escalate the problem of consumerism by causing customers to buy goods that they may not necessarily need, which would later exacerbate environmental issues. Therefore, despite its benefits, online shopping may give rise to wasteful societal behaviors.

Based on the above evidence, specialists point out a number of complications that online shopping could create for the society. More specifically, environmentalists draw public attention to amplifying pollution trends as a result of increased variety of goods and consumption patterns. It seems evident that such development would proliferate globally unless appropriate regulation is introduced in the future.

14 sentences
274 words

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