Вокабуляр по теме “Качество жизни”

Необходимый запас лексики для того, чтобы свободно говорить о высоком (или низком) уровне жизни. Жизни не только человека, но и общества. Эта подборка точно пригодится вам в IELTS Speaking.


money can buy — купить за деньги

welfare — благосостояние, достаток

standard of living — уровень жизни

prosperity — богатство, благосостояние

malnutrition — недоедание

famine |ˈfæmɪn| — голод

sanitation — санитария

slums — трущобы

life expectancy — продолжительность жизни

sustainable development — устойчивое развитие


Посмотрите эти слова и фразы в контексте, чтобы лучше их понять и запомнить:

High quality of life is often described as a lifestyle that can give a person a high standard of living. It is usually associated with prosperity, or availability of enough money to enjoy life.

Welfare is another important category that is beyond prosperity. It is not only something that money can buy, but also good health, general life satisfaction and positive thinking. Many countries have achieved this standard.

However, there are still numerous places on this planet that have low living standards. People still suffer from malnutrition (they don’t have enough food) or even famine (they have nothing to eat). A vivid example of this could be the lifestyle in slums — these are districts in large cities where poverty and crime rule people’s everyday lives. They have to face poor sanitation, polluted environment and low life expectancy which means that they will not live long.

On the other hand, the idea of sustainable development has become very popular in the developed world. This type of development means that the society should not fully depend on natural resources, but find alternative sources of energy and minimize bad effect on the environment.

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