Будут ли автомобили управляться компьютерами рано или поздно? Такая тема в Writing Task 2 использовалась в IELTS в июле 2017 года. Давайте попробуем подумать о причинах и последствиях от использования таких машин.
Эссе ниже я написал за 29 минут — это моя оригинальная работа, а не скопированное из Интернета эссе.
Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в июле 2017 года):
Scientists believe that in the near future cars will be driven by computers. What are the reasons behind it? Would it be a positive or negative development, in your opinion?
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе
Essay body 1 –
Topic sentence: Причины того, почему будущие автомобили будут управляться компьютерами:
(1) Причина 1 — компьютерные технологии развиваются настолько быстро и проникают во все сферы нашей жизни, что и транспорт уже давно зависит от них (например, авиация). Поэтому компьютерное управление машинами не за горами.
(2) Причина 2 — машины-компьютеры — это последствие развития электромобилей, которые первоначально задумывались как способ отказаться от транспорта, работающего на ископаемом топливе.
Essay body 2 –
Topic sentence: Это позитивная тенденция:
(1) Больше безопасности на дорогах.
(2) Больше возможностей перемещений для маломобильных граждан.
Conclusion –
Укажу вкратце две упомянутые причины и скажу, что все же положительный эффект от таких машин-компьютеров очевиден.
Готовое эссе:
The world has seen an extremely rapid technological progress in the recent decades, which has largely been ruled by the advancement of computers. This has prompted scientists to theorize that in the future computers will operate cars. This is mainly due to wide computerization and spreading electric car technology, and I believe that this is largely a positive trend.
The advent of computer-driven cars can be explained by two essential causes. One of them is the fact that computer technologies have been penetrating every aspect of our lives, and transport, including cars, is no exception. It is common knowledge that pilots widely use computer systems to fly planes, and the same happens with operating some types of trains. Obviously, cars will promptly follow this pattern as they are perhaps the most common type of vehicles today. Another reason is that electric cars have rapidly been gaining popularity around the world. Firstly thought as a way to stop using fossil fuel, such cars have gradually combined cutting-edge computer technologies and AI algorhythms in their operation.
In my opinion, the advantages of computer-driven vehicles seem to prevail. If road traffic, including each particular car, is controlled by computer systems, more safety on roads can be achieved. As a result, the frequency of road accidents, as well as injuries and deaths, will be reduced because such detrimental practices as speed-driving or drunk-driving will be out of the question. Moreover, driverless technology will expand opportunities for the disabled who would otherwise not have a chance to travel without a driver or a driving family member. For instance, individuals with visual or hearing impairment could use driverless cars independently and without risking to suffer an accident because driving algorhythms ensure a safe trip.
In conclusion, I believe that computers will inevitably conquer car transportation because of fast technological progress in all related spheres. I feel optimistic about such prospect as it would ensure safer road traffic systems and increase mobility for the disabled.
328 words
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