Посмотрите на некоторые задания по Writing и Speaking с официальных экзаменов в июне 2017 года и используйте их для подготовки! Темами делятся люди, сдававшие IELTS. Мы даем свои комментарии на особенно интересные и каверзные, на наш взгляд, темы.
Конечно, не стоит надеяться на то, что эти темы будут повторяться на будущих экзаменах, но помните, что чем больше тем вы проработаете, тем понятнее вам станет формат IELTS и тем подкованнее вы будете. Тематика по сути имеет свои пределы, и, возможно, темы их подобных сфер жизни могут оказаться на вашем экзамене!
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Writing task 2
Today’s typical method of teaching involving direct communication between teachers and students will not exist by 2050. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and examples.
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Исчезнет ли прямое общение между учителем и учеником к 2050 году? Тема подсказывает, что речь идет об использовании компьютерных технологий в образовании.
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Writing task 2
Nowadays we can watch TV shows of criminal trials. Do the advantages of making such information available to the general public outweigh the disadvantages?
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В чем преимущества и недостатки просмотра телешоу, показывающих судебные разбирательства?
(1) такие телепрограммы имеют профилактический характер и в широком смысле учат зрителей не совершать преступлений и повышать уровень юридической грамотности.
(2) помогают жертвам преступлений привлечь внимание общественности и специалистов к своим проблемам и помочь их решить.
(1) многие такие телешоу могут быть постановочными — ситуации могут быть искусственно созданными, чтобы привлечь зрителей.
(2) решения, которые выносятся в таких телесудах, могут не носить юридической силы и отличаться от решений в реальной жизни.
Итог и ответ на вопрос темы:
Такие телешоу нужны с точки зрения повышения юридической грамотности, но не стоит забывать, что решения телесудей могут не совпадать с решениями судей в реальной жизни.
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Writing task 2
Nowadays more fathers remain at home taking care of children than in the past.
Why is this happening?
Is this a positive or negative development?
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Отцы уходят в отпуск по уходу за детьми. Почему это происходит? Это позитивная или негативная тенденция?
Writing task 2
Some people prefer to rent, others prefer to buy their own houses these days. Do you think renting has more advantages or disadvantages than owning a house? Support your answer with examples from your personal experience.
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Одни предпочитают брать жилье в аренду, а другие — покупать его. Нужно рассмотреть плюсы и минусы аренды жилья и определить для себя, что лучше — арендовать или покупать жилье.
Преимущества аренды жилья:
(1) не все согласны брать жилье в ипотеку и не у всех есть большая сумма на покупку жилья — особенно в больших городах, где жилье очень дорогое. Аренда жилья может оказаться экономически выгоднее.
(2) арендуя жилье, можно жить в центре города и иметь быстрый доступ ко всем благам, не покупая жилья.
Недостатки аренды жилья:
(1) есть вероятность потери жилья, если владелец жилья решит пересмотреть контракт.
(2) нет возможности сделать арендованное жилье полностью удобным для себя — сделать ремонт или перепланировку, потому что этим жильем человек не владеет.
Что лучше? Для больших городов вариант аренды более выгоден. Для небольших городов или пригородов, где жилье дешевле, лучше его приобрести.
Writing task 2
Many people think that public celebrations (like national holidays, festivals etc.) are a waste of money and that the government should spend those funds in a better way. Do you agree or disagree?
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Расходы на праздники — это бесполезная трата государственных денег, и лучше их потрать на что-то более полезное. Согласны или нет?
Стоит рассмотреть ситуацию с двух сторон.
Доводы тех, кто говорит, что не надо тратить деньги на праздники:
(1) есть много других сфер, которые требуют постоянных расходов — улучшение инфраструктуры, образование и социальные выплаты населению.
(2) лучше пусть частные компании спонсируют такие мероприятия — хотя бы частично. Бизнес может рекламировать себя через такие праздники.
Доводы тех, кто говорит, что есть в праздниках своя польза:
(1) такие мероприятия сплачивают народ, напоминают о важности традиций и повышают степень гордости за свою страну.
(2) регулярные праздники (например, фестивали) могут привлекать туристов, а значит позитивно влиять на развитие экономики.
Итог и ответ на вопрос темы:
Такие праздники нужны для сплочения населения. Они не только развлекают, но и помогают разнообразить культурную жизнь города и страны. Однако стоит привлекать частный бизнес к финансированию праздников — бизнес таким образом может рекламировать себя.
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Writing task 2
Some people think that drivers should pay for building and maintaining roads, while others think that the government should pay the costs of infrastructure. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
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Вопрос о том, кто должен платить за строительство и обслуживания дорог — водители или государство. Можно рассмотреть роль водителей и роль государства.
Аргументы тех, кто считает, что должны платить за строительство дорог водители:
(1) водители — это основные пользователи дорог, которые приводят к их изнашиванию, поэтому на них должна и лечь ответственность за строительство и ремонт дорог.
(2) нужно взимать плату за проезд по определенным видам дорог, и эти деньги пускать на финансирование дорожного строительства.
Доводы тех, кто за то, чтобы государство брало на себя эти расходы:
(1) роль государства в любом случае важна как организатора дорожных строительных и ремонтных работ по всей стране, потому что государство должно улучшать транспортную инфраструктуру.
(2) дорожное строительство — очень дорогостоящее мероприятие, и надеяться только на налоги и сборы за пользование дорогами не стоит, потому что это может не покрыть всех расходов.
Государство должно платить за это ввиду дороговизны таких работ и из-за того, что традиционно именно государство берет на себя ответственность за поддержание дорожной сети в надлежащем качестве.
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Writing task 2
Many people believe that they should spend their money to enjoy life at present. Others, however, think that they should save it for the future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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Вопрос о том, тратить ли день здесь и сейчас, чтобы наслаждаться жизнью, или делать сбережения на будущее. Тема просит обсудить обе точки зрения и дать свое мнение.
Аргументы тех, кто предпочитает тратить деньги в настоящем, не думая о будущем:
(1) распространенная философия о том, что человек живет один раз, и надо получать от жизни удовольствие.
(2) в будущем может не быть тех возможностей делать расходы, какие есть сейчас, и поэтому лучше пользоваться ими сегодня.
Доводы тех, что за денежные сбережения для будущего:
(1) если у человека есть долгосрочные цели сделать большие покупки или оплатить образование себе или детям, то стоит откладывать.
(2) могут измениться внешние обстоятельства, и человек может потерять источник дохода (кризис, потеря работы, здоровья) — сбережения могут помочь в таких ситуациях.
(3) с помощью определенных финансовых инструментов сбережения можно с годами значительно приумножить и даже отказаться от работы и жить в свое удовольствие.
Мое мнение — нужно делать сбережения, чтобы иметь финансовую независимость и уверенность в будущем.
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Writing task 2
In some countries many parents are interested in home schooling and the trend is gaining popularity. Do the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?
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Обучение на дому набирает популярность в некоторых странах. Так ли сильны его преимущества?
Некоторые преимущества home schooling:
(1) возможность подстроить учебную программу под требования и способности ребенка и установить гибкий график обучения
(2) индивидуальный поход, детальная работа над ошибками и индивидуальная стратегия на успех
Некоторые минусы home schooling:
(1) нехватка живого общения и возможности работы в команде — командная работа является важным элементом обучения (совместное выполнение заданий в классе и дома).
(2) нехватка соревновательного духа, который мотивировал бы ученика стремиться улучшить свои знания и успеваемость.
Мое мнение — несмотря на значительные плюсы, обучение на дому не может дать ученику традиционной школьной атмосферы и командного духа. Поскольку человек — часть социума, обучение в группе видится более эффективным и окажется более полезным для будущего.
Writing task 2
Nowadays everyone likes to travel. Some people travel alone, while others prefer to travel in a group. Discuss both approaches. Give your own opinion with relevant examples from your experience.
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Два подхода к путешествиям: путешествовать в одиночестве или в группе. Нужно рассмотреть обе стороны и указать свое предпочтение.
Некоторые преимущества путешествий в одиночестве:
(1) человек не привязан к мнению других людей и сам выстраивает свой график
(2) возможность открыть для себя новые черты характера: способность принимать самостоятельные решения и искать пути выхода из непростых ситуаций
Некоторые путешествий в группе:
(1) возможность обмена впечатлениями с членами группы
(2) возможность сэкономить на жилье и проезде
(3) путешествовать в группе безопаснее
Мое мнение — путешествие в группе дает больше преимуществ
Writing task 2
Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour. Some people believe they can set a bad example for young people. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.
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Можно ли согласиться с тем, что современные знаменитости известны только благодаря своему богатству и гламуру и что они показывают плохой пример молодежи? Смотрим, как всегда, на ситуацию с двух сторон.
Мнение тех, кто думает, что знаменитости показывают плохой пример:
(1) знаменитости могут показывать неправильные примеры поведения — вредные привычки
(2) знаменитости могут своим примером пропагандировать культ богатства и гламура как высшей степени успеха и счастья
Мнение тех, кто считает, что наоборот:
(1) пример знаменитостей, показывающих хороший пример, — известные спортсмены, продвигающие идеи спорта среди молодежи
(2) знаменитости могут показывают пример социальной ответственности через благотворительность
Мое мнение — не соглашусь, что всегда знаменитости показывают плохой пример. Есть знаменитости, которые могут стать правильными ролевыми моделями для молодежи.
Writing task 2
Many studies say that older people do not exercise enough. What are the reasons for this? What would you suggest to encourage them to exercise?
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Тема явно из западной действительности, и к нам имеет очень косвенное отношение.
Исследования показывают, что пожилые люди недостаточно занимаются физическими упражнениями. Почему и что делать?
(1) не позволяет здоровье
(2) внешние причины: не принято пожилым вести активный образ в силу культурных особенностей или нет возможностей заниматься спортом из-за нехватки спортивной инфраструктуры.
Предложения о том, как стимулировать пожилых заниматься физическими упражнениями:
(1) рекомендовать иметь физические нагрузки в объеме, который не навредит человеку, а наоборот принесет бодрость и поможет улучшить здоровье, психологическое и физическое (например, спортивная ходьба, танцы или плавание)
(2) создавать специальные клубы для объединения пожилых людей для совместных физических занятий.
Кратко о том, что причины могут быть внутреннего и внешнего характера. Стимулировать пожилых людей заниматься физическими упражнениями нужно в той степени, какую позволит возраст и здоровье.
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Is it necessary to study hard in your subject?
– Do you have a lot of friends or just a few friends?
– Are you still in touch with your school friends?
– How often do you meet with them?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use a mobile phone. Please say
– When and where was it?
– Why weren’t you able to use it?
– How did you feel about it?
– Do you think people use mobile phones more than other electronic devices?
– Why is that?
– Are there mobile phones that suit younger or older people better?
– Should students have mobile phones? Why?
– Are boys using their phones differently compared to girls? Why?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about the house where you live.
– Do you like the house where you live now?
– What would you like to change there if you had a chance?
– Do you prefer using buses or private transport for commuting?
– What can the government do to ensure safety of public transport?
– Would you prefer underground or surface transportation?
Cue Card
Talk about a time when you had to wait for something. Please say
– What were you waiting for and when?
– What did you do while waiting?
– What was the outcome?
– Do you think older people manage time better than young people?
– Why is it so?
– Do you think time management is important?
– What usually happens when time isn’t managed correctly?
– Do you think someone is wasting time when he/she is not doing something, just sitting there?
– Do you think computers or electronic devices help us to manage time?
– Can you give a few examples of such devices?
– Do people who are not familiar with computers waste more time?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Where do you live now?
– Can you describe your place?
– Would you like to go back to your previous place?
– Let’s talk about dreams.
– Do you think dreams have any relevance to real life?
– Would you like to learn more about dreams?
– Why would you like to do it?
Cue Card
Talk about children you would like to spend more time with. Please say
– Who are these kids?
– What would you like to do together?
– Why would you like to spend more time with them?
Don’t remember.
Так как человек не помнит, чем закончился его Speaking, давайте представим, какие могли бы быть вопросы в заключительной части Speaking.
— What kind of activities do adult usually do with children in your country?
— Do children follow the examples of their parents?
— Should parents allow their children to spend time with gadgets?
— Do you see any advantages of using gadgets by children?
— What are the disadvantages of this?
— Should government spend money on building entertainment facilties for children?
— What examples of such facilties can you give?
— Do children nowadays have enough live communication with their peers?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Describe your home, please.
– Where would you like to live in the future?
– Would it be a house or an apartment?
– Tell me something about your goals.
– Do you think young people today are goal oriented or not?
– What type of goals are popular among young people, in your opinion?
– How can parents help their children to set goals?
– Do you know any pop stars?
– Do you like pop stars?
– Have you ever seen a pop star in person?
– Have you ever attended a concert or live music program?
– Would you like to be a pop star?
Cue Card
Describe a work you would like to do, that you were unable to do in the past. Please say
– What type of work is it?
– How will you do it?
– Why is it important for you?
– Let’s talk about work to save the environment.
– Do you believe that individuals can help to save the environment?
– Do you think government developments are disturbing the environment?
– Why is it happening?
– Most government developments are only in the economic sector, what other sectors should be involved?
– What would you suggest to do to improve the environment?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where do you live?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– What is your ideal house/flat for the future?
Cue card
Talk about a website that was really helpful to you. Please say
– what the website’s name is
– how you found it
– why it was so helpful
Follow up question: Do you recommend it to your friends?
– Let’s talk about people and the Internet.
– Do you think that people are too reliant on the Internet? Why?
– Let’s talk about books and technology.
– Do you think that in the future there will be only e-books and no more paper books?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe the place you live in now.
– Is it easy to get there?
– What kind of transportation do you use?
– What kind of shoes do you prefer, fashionable or comfortable ones?
– Why is that?
– Is it good to have many pairs of shoes?
Cue Card
Talk about an occasion when you had to try a new activity for the first time. Please say
– What kind of activity was it?
– Where and when did it happen?
– Did you like it or not? Why?
– Why did you do it?
– What did you learn from it?
– Why do people try dangerous sports in your opinion?
– Do people in your country try these sports?
– Should they think about their families?
– How can we replace these sports?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What is the most challenging thing at your work?
– Why is that?
– Let’s talk about e-mails.
– Are e-mails popular in your country? Why?
– How often do you write and send e-mails?
– Do you think e-mail will be still popular in the future? Why?
– Let’s talk about neighbors.
– Do you know your neighbors?
– Do you prefer younger or older people as neighbors?
Cue Card
Talk about your favorite piece of clothing. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you like it?
– How often do you wear it?
– Do you think people enjoy buying clothes?
– Why do some people go together with other people when shopping for clothes?
– Is online shopping useful in buying clothes?
– What’s the effect of fashion industry on the current fashion?
– What’s the effect of fashion on people’s behavior regarding clothes?
– Do people care about recycling their clothing?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Describe the place you live in now.
– Are there good amenities in the area?
– What are they?
– Do you watch TV?
– What type of TV programs do you like?
– How much time do you usually spend watching TV?
– What items do you take with you when leaving the house?
– Why is that?
– How do you make sure that nothing is forgotten?
– Do you have different items with you in the morning and evening?
– Why is it so?
Cue Card
Describe a book that you read and decided to read it again. Please say
– What is it?
– When and where did you read it?
– Why would you like to read this book again?
– What type of books children in your country like to read?
– What is the influence of books on society?
– Do you think reading habits people have today are different compared to the past?
– Why do you think it is so?
– What is the main difference between a book and a movie?
– What do you prefer, to read the book or watch the movie?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
Cue Card
Describe a useful plant in your country. Please say
– What plant is it?
– Where does it grow?
– Why is it so useful?
– How did you hear about this plant?
– Could it be used for other purposes as well?
– Do you know any other plants that are useful?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Let’s talk about politeness.
– Do you think it is important?
– Who should teach children to be polite?
– Do you think people are more polite nowadays?
– Why is that?
– Let’s change the subject and talk about your house.
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you like it there?
– Would you like to move somewhere else? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a recent important change in your life. Please say
– What is the change?
– When and where did it happen?
– How did you feel about it?
– Are changes important in our lives?
– How did you help your children with this change?
– Do you think old people accept changes easily?
– What do you think about global changes nowadays?
– Can changes be stressful?
– Why is it so?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why do you think people choose such a subject in your country?
– Do you like reading books?
– What type of books do you read?
– Are you reading a book presently?
– Do you listen to music?
– Who is your favourite pop star?
– Do you like to listen to them live or on recordings?
– What is the difference in your opinion?
Cue Card
Describe a comedy TV series that you watch. Please say
– What TV series is it?
– Who are the main characters there?
– Describe an interesting event from the series.
– Do you think TV has an influence on us?
– Is it a positive one? Why?
– Is there a difference between older and younger people’s choice of TV programs?
– Why do you think TV series are famous around the world?
– What makes them more or less popular?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What is the best thing about your work?
– Do you like reading magazines?
– Do you think young people like reading magazines?
– What do you prefer to read, magazines or comics?
– Do you like reading books?
– What kind of books do you prefer?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you have seen a lot of people happy and smiling. Please say
– When and where was it?
– Who was there with you?
– How did you feel about it?
– Why do you think people smile?
– Why do you think people smile on photographs?
– Why do you think people of older generation don’t smile on pictures?
– When shouldn’t we show our emotions? Why?
– Do you think girls or boys smile more often?
– Why do you think it is so?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– How is the place and people where you live now?
– Would you like to move somewhere else in the future?
– Do you prefer indoor or outdoor games?
– Do you engage in indoor sports?
– What indoor games do you like?
– What effect can indoor games have on local community in your opinion?
– Have you ever been given a wrist watch as a gift?
– Why do you think some people wear expensive wrist watches?
– Do you wear a wrist watch at the moment?
– Did you wear a wrist watch as a child?
– Why/why not?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting neighbour of yours. Please say
– Who is your neighbour?
– How did you meet him/her?
– How often do you see the neighbour?
– What makes this neighbour an interesting person?
– How do you think neighbours can be brought together?
– Do you know neighbours by their names?
– How do you think business can impact on local community?
– Do you think your country is a community?
– What do you think about the national identity of your country?
– What do you think is the impact of technology on students?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Let’s talk about friends.
– Is it better to have one best friend of many friends?
– Why do you think so?
– Do you spend time with your friends?
– Are friends important in your life?
– Let’s talk about family.
– How do you spend time with your family?
– How has your family influenced you?
– Let’s talk about television.
– Do you watch a lot of TV?
– What programs do you like to watch?
– Do you like watching TV with your family or alone?
– Why is that?
Cue Card
Talk about a time when you had good experience in the countryside. Please say
– When and where did you go?
– Who was there with you?
– Why was it enjoyable?
– Do young people enjoy living in the countryside? Why?
– Is countryside more developed now compared to the past?
– Can you give some examples of these developments?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Let’s talk about the place where you live.
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– What would your ideal house look like?
– Where would you like it to be?
– Let’s talk about neighbours.
– Do you know all of your neighbours?
– Do you think it is important to have good neighbours?
– Let’s talk about transport.
– Do you prefer to travel by bus or tram?
– In the future, do you think you will travel more by buses or underground trains?
– What do you think the government should do to improve bus transport system in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a time when you went to a very good event which was attended by many people. Please say
– What was the event?
– Who did you go there with?
– How did you feel during and after the event?
– Why did you go?
– How many people were there?
– Do you like over-crowded places?
– What makes people go to, or avoid crowded areas?
– What are advantages and disadvantages of going to crowded areas?
– What is your opinion about over-crowded places?
– Why do you think so?
Speaking test
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What do you like about your job?
– What do you think about advertisements?
– Do you buy products because of the ads?
– What do you think about billboard advertisements?
Cue Card
Describe a happily married couple that you know. Please say
– Who are they?
– How long have you known them?
– What makes this married couple happy?
– What do they do together?
– How often do you see them?
– Let’s talk about weddings.
– How do people celebrate weddings in your country?
– What is the average age to get married in your country?
– Why do people get married at a later age today?
– Why do people tend to have fewer children now than in the past?