Вокабуляр по теме “Цветы”

Вот никогда не угадаешь, когда могут понадобиться слова о цветах. Недавно один из моих студентов поделился, что столкнулся с темой о цветах и осознал, что даже не знает английского эквивалента слов “стебель” и “бутон”. Помимо роз, о которых знают все, давайте добавим в ваш вокабуляр еще несколько полезных слов о цветах.

bouquet |buˈkeɪ| – букет

to bloom – цвести

bud – бутон

stem – стебель

petal – лепесток

pot flower – комнатный цветок (дословно: цветок в горшке)

carnation – гвоздика

violet – фиалка

dandelion – одуванчик

tulip – тюльпан

А теперь контекст, чтобы использование слов было понятнее:

I often pass by that flower shop at the corner of the street and seeing all those flowers through large ceiling-to-floor windows always make me smile. They sell both bouquets and pot flowers.

It’s spring now, and you can easily access flowers that are blooming in this season – tulips, for instance. You can choose or mix the colors of petals: white, red, yellow, even blue!

They also have a wide variety of roses that are mainly imported from Holland – they have long and firm stems and huge red or pink buds. Roses are universal and can be given on any occassion, unlike carnations that are usually given to veterans for the Victory Day in my country.

The shop sells pot flowers of various kinds, and violets seem to be in majority, as far as I remember.

What is funny is that I noticed that right in front of the shop there are dozens and dozens of yellow dandelions that would soon turn into white. They remind me of my childhood and they are free, by the way!

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