Полезные фразы для Part 2 в IELTS Speaking

Если вы искали фразы, которые помогут сделать вашу речь более плавной в Part 2 в IELTS Speaking, то предлагаю вам небольшой перечень как раз для такого случая!

Part 2 в IELTS Speaking — это карточка с темой, на которую нужно говорить до 2 минут.

Пример карточки в Part 2

Talk about a speech you have heard that inspired you. Please say

– Who was the speaker?
– What was the speech about?
– Where and when did you hear it?

Конечно, вы должны как-то начать свой монолог, как-то переходить от пункта к пункту, и в конце как-то закончить. Вот вам в помощь список некоторых интересных фраз для этого:


Начало вашего монолога в Part 2

I’m going to tell you about … (topic)
In this talk I’m going to describe to you …


Даем описание по пунктам и развитие идеи:

I’d like to begin by saying that …
I like … more than anything else because …
One of the most interesting things about … is
The most important factor is that …
Frankly speaking, I am very fond of …
And why do I like it so much? Well, because …
I suppose I should also mention that …


Переход от одного пункта к другому:

Moving on to who/where/why …., I would say that …
As for who/where/why/what…, …
Now concerning the matter of [why, who, what, how], …


Чтобы не описывать детали:

To be brief, …
Briefly, …
There is not much time to explain in detail, but in brief …


Как заполнить паузу:

What else can I say?
What else is there to say?
(и пока вы это говорите, вы, возможно, придумаете новую идею)


Как закончить свой монолог:

To conclude,
In conclusion,
To wrap up,



Теперь посмотрим, как можно построить монолог на эту тему:

Talk about a speech you have heard that inspired you. Please say

– Who was the speaker?
– What was the speech about?
– Where and when did you hear it?

In this talk I’m going to describe to you a speech that was of a great inspiration to me. This is the speech made by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, at the graduation ceremony at Harvard University last year.

I’d like to begin by saying that Mark Zuckerberg is an example of a global leader whose work and life influence millions of people around the world. This man has shown that if you believe in your dream and work hard enough to achieve it, you will inevitably succeed. This is why Mark is so popular around the world and especially in the United States. As you may know, he studied at Harvard and never graduated it because he started working on his Internet project that later became the most popular virutal social network, Facebook.

Moving on to what his speech was about, I would like to mention that he gave many valuable pieces of advice to new Harvard graduates and told them that they need to take care not only about themselves, but also about their communities and the world as a whole because the younger generation will lead the world tomorrow.

There is not much time to explain his speech in detail now, but, in brief, he said that having a dream and an open heart to the world are the major things that open many doors. Mark was very emotional at some point in his speech and even cried. One of the most interesting things about his speech was that he was making it in the yard near the university, and it was raining. However, this did not scare people off and they stood there with their umbrellas and were listening to his every word because they knew that this moment was unique in their lives.

As for when and where I heard this speech… Frankly speaking, I saw a YouTube video of this speech on Facebook because many friends that I have there posted this video.

What else can I say?

Oh… I suppose I should also mention that I watched Mark’s speech both in English and in Russian, which was a good way for me to practice my listening skills and learn new things. To tell you the truth, I liked it in English much better because it is always more useful to listen to such information in the original language.

Well, to conclude, I found many interesting ideas in Mark Zuckerberg’s speech at Harvard graduation and I realized that we live in a really small world that is very tightly connected these days, and this is partly thanks to the product of Mark’s hard work, Facebook.



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