Из тем Writing Task 2, которые использовались на официальных тестах IELTS в некоторых странах мира в феврале 2017 года, я выбрал одну и написал возможный вариант эссе. Посмотрите его.
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Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в феврале 2017 года):
Many people think that every individual is responsible for their own healthy lifestyle, others believe that governments should take care of it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе
Essay body 1 – Аргументы «за» для каждого человека?
Topic sentence: each individual should be responsible for their own lifestyle
(1) каждый сам выбирает свой стиль жизни, и на его плечах лежит ответственность за свое здоровье;
(2) занятия спортом и правильное питание — главные элементы здорового образа жизни для любого человека, желающего жить полной и долгой жизнью.
Essay body 2 – Аргументы «за» для государства
Topic sentence: government should promote healthy lifestyle
(1) государство должно создавать условия для здорового образа жизни (возможности заниматься спортом, профилактика заболеваний, законы с ограничением нездоровых привычек);
(2) государство должно избрать своей стратегией высокий уровень жизни населения, ведь только в таких условиях человек понимает важность здорового образа жизни.
Conclusion – сделаем вывод, дав свое мнение о том, на ком же лежит ответственность за здоровый образ жизни. Мое мнение: как на каждом человеке, так и на государстве.
Готовое эссе:
The question of whether each individual or government should bear responsibility for their healthy lifestyle may cause a debate in the society nowadays. Each position has its notable prerequisites, and this essay will examine both sides and attempt to provide my opinion.
As far as each person is concerned, the following important factors relating to health should be considered. Firstly, hardly anyone would deny the fact that every individual makes their own choices of how to take care of their health, although to influence these choices is sometimes quite challenging. Certainly, engaging in regular sports activities and maintaining a balanced and healthy diet are the primary elements of future well-being and long life.
On the other hand, the role of governments in promoting healthy lifestyles is also of paramount importance. Thus, governments should support the idea of easily accessible sports facilities for the population, invest in the prevention of diseases or enact laws that curb or restrict unhealthy habits, such as smoking, alcohol or drug abuse. Additionally, it is the government’s responsibility to elevate general standards of living because only in these conditions will each person understand the importance of having a healthy lifestyle and be able to afford it, which is widely seen in the developed countries.
With all the above reasons, the responsibility for leading a healthy life is a complex phenomenon that involves both people and the state. Every individual should understand the importance of healthy choices in order to make them, while the government is expected to provide conditions for and stimulate those choices.
10 sentences
258 words
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