Из тем Writing Task 2, которая использовались на официальных тестах IELTS в некоторых странах мира в феврале 2017 года, я выбрал одну и написал возможный вариант эссе. Посмотрите его.
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Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в феврале 2017 года):
Nowadays most people choose to throw away broken things instead of repairing them, and replace them with new ones. Why is this happening? What problems may it lead to?
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе
Essay body 1 – ответим на вопрос Why is this happening?
Topic sentence: reasons for buying new things instead of re-using old ones
(1) в некоторых случаях дешевле купить новое, чем ремонтировать старое (особенно это относится к различным механизмам, детали к которым уже не производят);
(2) мы живем в обществе потребления, где царит изобилие товаров с привлекательными условиями покупки этих товаров.
Essay body 2 – ответим на вопрос What problems may it lead to?
Topic sentence: negative consequences of such practice
(1) это ведет, конечно, к росту объема мусора в природе, что негативно скажется на экологии, потому что загрязняется почва, вода и воздух;
(2) это также может привести к интенсивному расходованию ресурсов, необходимых для промышленности, которая постоянно увеличивает свои темпы.
Conclusion – сделаем вывод, выделив, на наш взгляд, главную причину и главную проблему, к которой приводит эта ситуация.
Готовое эссе:
It is a common practice for many people to discard things that could potentially be repaired and re-used. Instead, customers prefer to buy new things, thereby contributing to the spread of consumerism. Among key reasons for this phenomenon are relative affordability of goosd and their accessibility, which bring severe negative effects.
Consumeristic attitudes may trigger people to replace broken things with new ones. One illustration for this could be the fact that in many cases it is cheaper to buy a new item instead of repairing an old one especially because it could be problematic to find new spare parts needed to fix the item, such as a smartphone or a piece of clothing. It is also common that people living in a consumption-based society have unrestricted access to an enormous variety of goods that could be bought at attractive prices, both online and at traditional shops.
However, it is also necessary to keep in mind that this issue may entail a number of serious environmental consequences causing concern in the society nowadays. For instance, the ever-growing amounts of wastes around the world lead to air, water and soil pollution because the items thrown away are often made of non-biodegradable materials, such as plastic. On the other hand, the ongoing industrial development which is aimed at a constant supply of new commodities intensively consumes natural resources like oil and wood, and this could result in a faster exhaustion or deficit of the latter.
Taking into account the above-mentioned evidence, it is obvious that consumeristic society induces people to replace broken things with new ones because of the abundance of goods available nowadays. One problem that appears to be quite threatening in this situation is pollution which heavily damages the environment.
290 words
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