Привожу примеры ответов на темы Writing из Теста 1 из сборника тестов Cambridge IELTS 10.
Темы могут вызвать сложности из-за того, что в них встречаются понятия и слова, не совсем знакомые старшеклассникам. Посмотрите примеры ниже с полным разбором структуры Writing Task 1 и 2.
Кстати, если понятие greenhouse gas для вас новое, то запомните, что это парниковый газ, который выбрасывается в атмосферу при потреблении определенной энергии. Парниковый газ вреден для атмосферы.
В этом задании пай-чарты показывают совершенно разные понятия, а не изменение процентов! Поэтому нельзя в данном случае использовать понятия «increased/decreased»
Writing Task 1
[Introduction. Напишу 2 предложения: перефразирую задание в формате «что? где? когда?» и покажу общую ситуацию]
The two pie charts present the information about the use of various types of energy by an average Australian family and the amount of greenhouse gas produced by such use. An an overall trend, water heating appears to be the major activity that both consumes a substantial energy amount and causes notable greenhouse gas emissions, while heating accounts for the highest percentage of energy use.
[Body. Напишу 5 предложений. Пишу в следующей последовательности: cooling и lighting; refregiration; other appliances; water heating; heating. Сравниваю обе диаграммы сразу]
As it can be seen on the charts, cooling and lighting require insignificant amounts of energy, 2% and 4% respectively, and they emit in considerable greenhouse gas volumes, 3% and 8%. On the other hand, the share of refrigeration in energy use does not exceed 7%, whilst its greenhouse effect is twice as large, 14%. As far as other appliances are concerned, their respective rates have 15% and 28%. As for water heating, which uses about 30% of energy, it tends to emit about the same amount of greenhouse gas, 32%. The reverse situation can be observed for heating which shows almost half of the entire energy consumption, whereas its greenhouse emissions constitute only 15%.
7 sentences
180 words
Тема о том, являются ли наказание ребенка необходимой мерой, чтобы научить его различать правильное и неправильное поведение.
Тема задает два вопроса, на которые и надо ответить:
1) To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
2) What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?
Writing Task 2
[Introduction. Напишу 3 предложения: перефразирую задание и покажу, о чем буду писать это эссе]
A controversial question of whether and how punishment affects children in their upbringing and education is of substantial concern to parents and teachers. It is generally believed that punishment is an effective tool for correcting children’s behaviour, and its types should be chosen with great care. This essay will examine the author’s viewpoint on this issue and will propose several types of punishment that adults should be allowed to exercise.
[Essay Body 1. Напишу 3 предложения. Отвечаю на вопрос «do you agree or disagree?» — я не согласен. Укажу два примера.]
To begin with, the popular opinion about using punishment toward children may have a number of undermining points. One of them is seen in the fact that a physically or verbally punished child does not necessarily correct his or her behaviour, but rather would grow with fear and misunderstanding. A much better solution is seen in personal examples that parents or educators can show to children who tend to follow certain misbehavioural patterns.
[Essay Body 2. Напишу 3 предложения. Отвечаю на вопрос «what sort of punishment is acceptable?». Укажу два примера — для родителя и для учителя.]
However, if punishment is deemed to be unavoidable in some situations, the following types should be employed, in my opinion. For instance, cutting regular pocket money a child receives or limiting time spent with technology or TV could be some of the restrictions that can be imposed by parents. In an educational setting, talking and using psychological techniques with naughty children should be the primary sorts of punishment in order to teach adolescents vital life and misconduct lessons.
[Conclusion. Напишу 2 предложения. Еще раз подчеркну, что наказания не всегда могут быть эффективными — лучше, если взрослые своим примером будут помогать ребенку корректировать поведение.]
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that physical or verbal punitive measures are those of the past and could no longer be effective with contemporary children. Educating children with the use of personal examples and explaining the right and wrong should be foremost types of correcting unacceptable behaviours.
11 sentences
270 words
Смотрите серию видео по написанию Writing Task 1 и 2, где я рассказываю о различных элементах письменной части IELTS.