Подкаст MyIELTS 060 — Cambridge IELTS 15, Speaking Test 3

Продолжаем обрабатывать сборник Cambridge IELTS 15 и в этом эпизоде — ответы на вопросы Speaking в тесте 3

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Берем аутентичные вопросы IELTS Speaking для практики. Для этого я воспользовался одним из последних изданий Cambridge IELTS — сборником номер 15.


Вопросы, на которые я отвечал

The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.


• Did you learn to swim when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)
• How often do you go swimming now? [Why/Why not?)
• What places are there for swimming where you live? (Why’?)
• Do you think it would be more enjoyable to go swimming outdoors or at an indoor pool? (Why?)


Describe a famous business person that you know about.

You should say:
who this person is
what kind of business this person is involved in
what you know about this business person

and explain what you think of this business person.


Discussion topics:

Famous people today

Example questions:
What kinds of people are most famous in your country today?
Why are there so many stories about famous people in the news?
Do you agree or disagree that many young people today want to be famous?

Advantages of being famous

Example questions:
Do you think it is easy for famous people to earn a lot of money?
Why might famous people enjoy having fans?
In what ways could famous people use their influence to do good things in the world?

Попробуйте и вы ответить на эти вопросы — подобная практика помогает самостоятельно выстраивать свои идеи в устной форме.




Если вам нужна практика всех частей Speaking с обратной связью и примерным баллом, то обратите внимание на этот интенсив:

Онлайн-интенсив IELTS Speaking


  • доступ к учебной платформе с ресурсами Speaking и банку вопросов
  • 6 индивидуальных онлайн-занятий с IELTS-тренером
  • пробные экзамены Speaking с разбором устной речи
  • разбор Speaking Part 1, 2 и 3 с практикой
  • психология IELTS Speaking
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