Вокабуляр по теме «Экология»

Сохраните себе 10 полезных слов и фраз для описания тем, связанных с окружающей средой. Они одинаково часто могут пригодиться в любой из секций IELTS!


conservationist / environmentalist — эколог, экологический активист

litter — мусор

carbon footprint — углеродный след (выброс парниковых газов от жизнедеятельности человека или промышленности)

throw-away society — общество мусора (общество, производящее большие объемы мусора ввиду нескончаемого потребления)

to biodegrade — разлагаться в природе

landfill — свалка (мусорная)

incineration — сжигание

to contaminate — загрязнять, отравлять

to preserve nature — охранять природу

toxic waste — токсичные отходы


Посмотрите эти слова и фразы в контексте, чтобы их использование было понятнее:

Definitely, environmental problems draw the world’s attention today like never before in history. Environmental specialists, or conservationists who stand for preserving nature, do their best to raise public awareness about the scale of ecological issues that the planet now faces because of toxic waste from people and factories.

One of the most important things to understand is that each person and company is responsible for certain amount of pollution they create directly or indirectly, and this is called carbon footprint. Whether you drive a car, fly a plane, eat french fries or buy another phone, all this requires resources and creates carbon dioxide when all these things are produced.

Another challenge that nature has to deal with is throw-away society where people throw away a lot of wastes daily. It can be rubbish thrown on the ground and not in trash (litter) or domestic rubbish. Most of these substances do not biograde or break down in nature.

This contaminates air, water and soil because many countries dump it in landfill outside cities or use incineration, which basically means burning.

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