Задания из IELTS в мае 2018

На этой странице показан перечень некоторых заданий по Writing и Speaking с официальных экзаменов в мае 2018 года в разных странах мира. Используйте их для подготовки! Темами делятся люди, сдававшие IELTS. Мы даем свои комментарии на особенно интересные и каверзные, на наш взгляд, темы.

Конечно, не стоит надеяться на то, что эти темы будут повторяться на будущих экзаменах (хотя кто знает), но помните, что чем больше тем вы проработаете, тем понятнее вам станет формат IELTS и тем подкованнее вы будете. Тематика по сути имеет свои пределы, и, возможно, темы их подобных сфер жизни могут оказаться на вашем экзамене!

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Writing task 2 (Saudi Arabia)

Some people think cars are a better way of transportation around the city, while other prefer cycling. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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Тема предлагает обсудить две позиции и выбрать свою.
Преимущества автомобиля как средства передвижения в городе:
(1) скорость передвижения и разветвленные автомобильные сети в городе позволяют легко перемещаться в городе
(2) комфортные условия (удобные сидения, климат-контроль в любое время года)
Преимущества велосипеда как средства передвижения в городе:
(1) значительно дешевле автомобиля: стоит дешевле, не требует бензина, обязательного техобслуживания
(2) способствует здоровому образу жизни
(3) в более выигрышном положении в загруженных автотранспортом городах, потому что велосипеду пробки не страшны
Мое мнение: велосипед, потому что дешевле и полезно для здоровья
(с таким же успехом можно выбрать и автомобиль, указав его преимущества)


Writing task 2 (Hong Kong)

Some believe that modern technology is increasing the gap between rich and poor people, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Непростая тема. Есть точка зрения, что современные технологии увеличивают разрыв между богатыми и бедными. Но есть и противоположная точка зрения людей, кто не верят в это. Нужно обсудить две эти точки зрения и дать свое мнение.

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Writing task 2 (Denmark)

Nowadays people are affected by social media and the Internet. Is it a good or a bad trend in your opinion? Explain it by giving your own examples.

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Социальные сети и интернет оказывают влияние на людей. Позитивное или негативное? Рассмотрим обе стороны.

Позитивное влияние социальных сетей и Интернета на людей:
(1) возможность беспрепятственного общения — как личного, так и профессионального.
(2) Интернет расширил возможности для образования и культурного обмена.
Негативное влияние социальных сетей и Интернета на людей:
(1) может теряться контроль времени, проводимого в Интернете, что может негативно влиять на продуктивность человека и здоровье.
(2) как мощный вид масс-медиа, Интернет может быть инструментом для манипулирования общественным мнением.
Ответ на вопрос «Is it a good or a bad trend?»: несомненно, плюсы перевешивают минусы, потому что Интернет и социальные сети становятся главными платформами для поддержания контакта с внешним миром и увеличения образовательного уровня.


Writing task 2 (Germany)

Childcare training courses should be mandatory for all parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and include relevant examples.

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Родители должны ходить для специальные курсы, где их научат воспитывать детей. Согласны или нет?
Эссе лучше построить на «за» и «против», а в конце дать свое мнение.
В этой теме нужно было аккуратным и не «скатиться» в описание того, как принято воспитывать детей в странах пост-советского пространства, иначе легко можно уйти от темы и занизить себе балл.
Доводы «за»:
(1) такие курсы, скорее всего, ведут профессиональные детские психологи и врачи, которые могут дать квалифицированную консультацию и компетентно ответить на вопросы молодых родителей.
(2) на таких курсах можно встретить других родителей, которые могут дать полезные советы и поделиться своим опытом.
Доводы «против»:
(1) в некоторых культурах в воспитании детей принимают активное участие бабушки или даже прабабушки, потому что сразу несколько поколений живут под одной крышей.
(2) это исключает необходимость для молодых родителей идти на такие курсы — семья и ее старшие члены помогут разобраться с воспитанием.
Мое мнение: такие курсы, безусловно, полезны молодым родителям, у которых нет рядом старших родственников, способных помочь разобраться в уходе за ребенком.

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Writing task 2 (Iran)

The trend of increased consumer goods production is damaging the natural environment. Why is it still happening? What are the solutions for this situation?

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Растущее производство потребительских товаров наносит урон окружающей среде. Почему это все еще происходит? Каковы могут быть решения в этой ситуации?
Почему это все еще происходит?:
(1) причина 1 — растущее население требует увеличения объемов производства еды и продуктов потребления (например, одежда или бытовая техника).
(2) причина 2 — производство является бизнесом, который не только приносит прибыль владельцам, но и дает рабочие места населению, поэтому развитие производства неизбежно.
Каковы могут быть решения в этой ситуации?:
(1) использование новых экологически чистых технологий производства.
(2) переработка мусора, который можно использовать повторно, тем самым сократив вредные выбросы в окружающую среду.
Итого: главная причина этого явления — растущее население, которое требует постоянного наличия продуктов потребления; главные решения — экологически чистые технологии производства и recycling.

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Writing task 2 (India)

Some people believe that it’s not necessary to have internet access to live a full life. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.


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Speaking test (Saudi Arabia)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– What do you prefer, a house or an apartment? Why?
– What is your favourite room? Why?

Cue Card

Describe the first time you got a mobile phone. Please say

– When and where was it?
– Why did you need it?
– How did you feel about it?


– How did the use of mobile phone change over the last decade? Why?
– What are the advantages and disadvantage of having mobile phones?
– What are the benefits for companies making applications for smart phones?

Speaking test (Albania)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subjects are you studying?
– What is your major? Why?
– Why did you choose that university?
– Where do you spend your free time?
– Who do you usually spend it with?
– Do you like traveling? Why?
– Do you do it by yourself or with somebody?
– Where do you want to go in the future?
– Why do you want to go there?
– What do you expect from this trip?

Cue Card

Talk about a song from your country. Please say

– Why do you like the song?
– Where did you hear it?
– What are the lyrics and the meaning of this song?


– Talk about the traditional music in your country.
– Where do children and adults learn about traditional music?
– What kind of music do you listen to in your country?
– On what occasions do you listen to traditional music?
– Do young and older generations like to listen to traditional music?


Speaking test (Hong Kong)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Which room do you like the most in your house?
– Will you move to another place in the future?
– Why would you do it?
– Where would you move to?
– Do you go out a lot?
– What do you do during a day out?
– Do you like spending your day out alone or with others?

Cue Card

Describe a situation that happened to you recently and made you feel happy. Please say

– What was the situation?
– When and where did it take place?
– Who was there with you?


– Do you agree that money is a source of happiness?
– What are your views on happiness?
– Do you think people can be happy because of their work?
– Where or how should people find happiness?
– What is better, to get happiness from money or from a good relationship?


Speaking test (Sri Lanka)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like your job?
– Do you use mobile apps?
– How often do you use them?
– What are your favourites? Why?
– What apps do you want to use in the future?
– Why do you need them?
– Would you like to write your own app?
– What kind of app?

Cue Card

Talk about a river or a lake that you visit often. Please say

– What is it?
– Where is it?
– How often do you go there?


– Do you think swimming is important for children? Why?
– Why do people want to spend their time on the beach or near water?
– Are there any jobs related to water that you would like to do?


Speaking test (Qatar)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like your job?
– Would you like to change it in the near future? Why?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you like it there? Why?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– What is your favourite room there? Why?
– Where would you like to live in the future?

Cue Card

Describe a friend of yours who likes to talk a lot. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– What does he/she usually talk about?
– Do you like or dislike it? Why?


– Let’s talk about communication in society.
– Do you think communication is important?
– Why do you think so?
– In what situations is it helpful to be communicative?
– Should parents teach their children to communicate properly?
– How can we improve our communication skills?
– Why do you think we should do it?


Speaking test (Denmark)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What is your favourite pastime?
– Do you listen to music while working?
– Do people listen to music much in your country? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a skill that you have learned other than in college or school in your life. Please say

– What was the skill?
– How did you learn it?
– Would you like to learn it more in depth? Why?


– What would you do with it in the future?
– What events do people celebrate in your country?
– What makes an event special?
– Do you think food plays an important role in the event? Why?


Speaking test (Canada)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where are you located in the town?
– How far is your place from the test centre?
– What do you think about music?
– What kind of music do you like?
– Do you think the types of music you are listening to are changing?
– Why is it so?

Cue Card

Describe an event that you have celebrated the most. Please say

– What was the event?
– Who did you celebrate it with?
– How did you celebrate it?


– What is the importance of national events and their celebration?
– As a new migrant should a person respect the national events of a country?
– Thinking of an international event such as the Olympics, is it a good platform to share any new ideas or plans regarding national events?

Speaking test (India)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like your job?
– What time of the day do you work best?
– Why is it so?
– Do you listen to music?
– Do you think your choice of music will change in the future?
– Do you listen to music while studying or working?
– How many hours of sleep is it best for you to have?
– Do you do anything to get a good sleep at night?

Cue Card

Talk about a country or city where you would like to live and work in the future. Please say

– What country/city is it?
– Why would you like to live there?
– What do you like the most about that place?


– Do you see yourself working in your favorite place in the future?
– What do you think is more important, a good job or a good place to live?
– What do people consider when looking for a place to settle and live with a family?
– Has the quality of life gone up or down all over the world, in your opinion?
– Do you think the government plays an important role in increasing the quality of life in the society?
– What measures can the government take to do that?


Speaking test (Iran)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What does your company work on?
– Do you like your work environment?
– Do you like any online dictionary? Why?
– How would you feel if someone gave you a dictionary as a gift?
– How many hours do you sleep during the day?
– Is it enough for you?
– What is happening when you don’t sleep enough?
– Do you think the elderly should sleep more or less than young people?
– Why do you think so?

Cue Card

Describe a situation when you received a good service in a shop. Please say

– What shop was it?
– Where and when did it take place?
– Why did you like it?


– Will you recommend this place to friends or family?
– How would you describe a good service?
– What is the best service quality in your opinion?


Speaking test (Iran)


– What is your full name?
– What should I call you?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– How far it is from here?
– Do you like music?
– What kind of music do you like?
– Do people in your country like music?
– Were you listening to music when you were younger?
– Do you think music will change in the future?

Cue Card

Describe your favourite season. Please say

– What is it?
– Why do you like it?
– Do you have a holiday during this season?


– Do you think people should go on holidays more? Is it beneficial?
– Do you think companies would benefit if the employees were to take long holidays?
– Do you think people should spend more on holidays?
– What is better, to take multiple but less expensive holidays, or to take few expensive ones?

Speaking test (India)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Let’s talk about your home.
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Can you describe your place?
– What is your favourite room there?
– Some people prefer to live in high rise buildings rather than individual houses. Why do you think it is so?

Cue Card

Describe a party that you attended recently. Please say

– When and where was it?
– Who was there at the party?
– What did you do there?


– How did you feel after that?
– How often do you go to parties?
– What type of parties do people love to attend in your country?
– Some people don’t like going out for parties. Why is it so?
– What type of leisure activities do people enjoy in your country?
– What is more beneficial, playing computer games or outdoor games?
– Why do you think it is so?


Speaking test (India)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live?
– How far is it from here?
– Do you like music? Why?
– What kind of music do you like?
– Do people in your country like music?
– Were you listening to music when you were younger?
– Do you think music will change in the future?

Cue Card

Describe a place where you’d like to go for a perfect holiday. Please say

– When and where do you want to go?
– Who would you like to go there with?
– Why do you think it’s a perfect holiday place?


– Have you been there previously?
– What memories do you have from that place?
– Do you think people should take breaks for holidays?
– Is it beneficial in your opinion? Why?
– Do you think companies would benefit if their employees take long holidays?
– Do you think people should spend more on holidays?
– Are only expensive holidays making people happy?




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