Вокабуляр по теме «Птицы»

В IELTS Speaking и Writing иногда возникает нужда говорить о птицах. Это могут быть темы о важности птиц в экосистеме города, например. Вот подборка из 10 слов, которая вам должна помочь.

sparrow — воробей

pigeon |ˈpɪdʒɪn| — голубь

crow |krəʊ| — ворона

eagle |ˈiːɡl| — орел

falcon |ˈfælkən| — сокол

nest — гнездо

feather |ˈfeðə| — перо

beak |biːk| — клюв

chick — птенец

to hatch |hætʃ| — вылупляться


А теперь контекст, чтобы использование слов было понятнее:

In the IELTS Writing test, you can sometimes have topics regarding birds living in cities and dangers that they may have as a result of human activity. Typical types of birds found in urban areas can be classified from the smallest to the biggest: sparrows, pigeons and crows. All of them may suffer from cutting trees as these are the places where birds make their nests. That’s where chicks (baby birds) usually hatch (get out of their eggs).

For the IELTS Speaking test, you may also need to know some types of birds to describe your culture, especially if you live in Kazakhstan. For example, eagle is the national symbol that you can see on the flag of Kazakhstan and on many monuments across the country. Falcons are also part of Kazakh culture because they are used for falconry (falcon hunting) when specially trained falcons catch animals out in the wild.

Perhaps, two more words that you would need to talk about birds are ‘a feather‘ and ‘a beak‘. Feathers cover birds’ bodies, just like hair or fur cover animals’ bodies. A beak is a part of a bird’s body that is used for eating or transporting various light items like small branches for building nests. Simply put, a beak is a bird’s mouth.


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