На этой странице показан перечень некоторых заданий по Writing и Speaking с официальных экзаменов в августе 2018 года в разных странах мира. Используйте их для подготовки! Темами делятся люди, сдававшие IELTS. Мы даем свои комментарии на особенно интересные и каверзные, на наш взгляд, темы.
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Writing task 2 (Iran)
Some people think that children should start school sooner while others believe they should not start it before the age of seven. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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Некоторые люди полагают, что дети должны идти в школу до 7 лет, а другие думаю, что лучший возраст — именно 7 лет. Обсудите обе позиции и дайте свое мнение.Мнение 1 — дети должны идти в школу до 7 лет. Почему?
(1) в этом случае дети закончат школу раньше, чем обычно, что позволит им раньше поступить в университет и впоследствии раньше начать работать.
(2) уровень грамотности современных детей, как правило, выше, чем раньше. Все это благодаря новым технологиям, которые помогают развитию детей с раннее возраста. Поэтому многие дети готовы приступить к учебе в школе раньше 7 лет.Мнение 2 — дети должны идти в школу, начиная с 7 лет. Почему?
(1) 7 лет — оптимальный возраст для детей с психологической точки зрения, потому что практика показывает, что именно к этому возрасту дети становятся более восприимчивы к знаниям.
(2) академическая нагрузка в современных школах увеличилась, и дети до 7 лет могут быть не готовы к ней.Мое мнение: я придерживаюсь традиционного подхода — большинству детей уместнее будет начинать ходить в школу с 7 лет. Однако система образования должна также учитывать, что количество детей, готовых начать школьное обучение раньше 7 лет, растет, и школы должны учитывать это при планировании набора детей.
Writing task 2 (Brazil)
Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures. Others argue that these sports can cause problems and increase conflicts between nations. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.
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Есть мнение, что спорт, предполагающий соревновательность, — хорошее средство для объединения людей разных культур. Однако есть люди, полагающие, что спорт может вызвать проблемы и породить межэтнические конфликты. Обсудите обе стороны и дайте свое мнение. (Разве не любой спорт предполагает соревнование? Не совсем ясна логика авторов этой темы.)Спорт — хорошее средство для объединения людей разных культур. Почему?
(1) Принадлежность к той или иной культуре не должно быть препятствием для занятий спортом, поэтому в настоящее время многие виды спорта объединяют представителей разных культур. Качества спортсмена, а не его этническая принадлежность, определяют его успех.
(2) в современном спорте известно много случаев, когда в спортивной команде работают представители разных культур, что сближает не только спортсменов, но и их фанатов. Пример: футбол.Спорт может порождать межэтнические конфликты. Почему?
(1) Конфликты возникают из-за все еще живущих предрассудков относительно рас и этнической принадлежности, что может вызывать конфликты как внутри спортивных команд, так и среди фанатов.
(2) Возможно, представители определенных наций не получают адекватного вознаграждения за свой труд, что также может служить причиной конфликтных ситуаций.Мое мнение: Я принимаю первую позицию, имея в виду, что спорт не должен быть инструментом дискриминации по этническому признаку. Спорт, как и любой другой вид деятельности, который объединяет представителей разных культур, должен одинаково уважительно относиться к спортсменам и принимать во внимание только их таланты и способности.
Writing task 2 (India / China)
In some countries it is illegal for employers to reject job applications on the basis of age criteria. Is it a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.
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В некоторых странах считается противозаконным, если работодатель отказывает в трудоустройстве по возрастному признаку. Это хорошо или плохо? (Обратите внимание, что речь в теме о том, хорошо ли, что такая практика объявлена противозаконной или нет).Отказывать в трудоустройстве по возрастному признаку приемлемо и это не должно считаться противозаконным:
(1) в зависимости от характера работы молодые сотрудники могут стать более ценной альтернативой для работодателя, нежели пожилые люди. Пример: новые технологии.
(2) некоторые виды работ требуют физической или психологической выносливости, и в данном случае молодым сотрудникам следует отдавать предпочтение. Пример: пожарный.Отказывать в трудоустройстве по возрастному признаку неприемлемо и это должно считаться противозаконным:
(1) отказывать человеку в работе по возрастному цензу может считаться дискриминацией, потому что это человек может продемонстрировать лучшие результаты, нежели более молодые работники.
(2) при приеме на работу должны учитываться навыки и умения потенциального работника, а не его возраст.Мое мнение: вопрос, поднятый в теме, является спорным, и считать отказ в работе пожилому человеку противозаконным не всегда является правильным. Я поддерживаю точку зрения тех, кто придерживается подхода предоставления равных возможностей будущим работникам, несмотря на возраст.
Writing task 2 (India)
Some people say that sport is very important for a nation’s development, while others believe that sport is no more than a leisure time activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
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Некоторые люди считают, что спорт очень важен для развития нации, в то время как другие думают, что спорт — не более чем способ чем-то заняться на досуге. Обсудите обе стороны и дайте свое мнение.Доводы сторонников того, что спорт важен для развития нации:
(1) спортивные достижения страны стимулируют определенную часть населения заниматься спортом, что способствует улучшению здоровья, что крайне важно для работоспособности людей.
(2) инвестирование в спорт косвенно помогает государству культивировать модели здорового образа жизни, чтобы повысить уровень жизни в стране.Доводы тех, кто считает спорт одним из способов провести досуг и не важным фактором для развития страны:
(1) каких бы высот ни достигали спортсмены, в стране всегда есть и будут люди, которые не будут брать пример со спортсменов.
(2) кроме спорта есть много других способов повлиять на развитие страны — например, инвестирование в образование, борьба с коррупцией или развитие туризма.Мое мнение: значение спорта для развития страны трудно переоценить, и поэтому усилия спортсменов и их победы крайне важны для воспитания молодого поколения, которое и будет отвечать за развитие нации в будущем.
Writing task 2 (Vietnam)
Some people think that private companies should pay for pollution clean-up, while others say it should be a government’s responsibility. Discuss and state your own opinion.
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По мнению некоторых людей, частные компании должны платить за устранение загрязнения окружающей среды, в то время как другие считают, что государство должно брать на себя ответственность за это. Обсудите оба мнения и дайте свою точку зрения. Под частным бизнесом здесь понимаются компании-производители в экологически вредных отраслях.Почему частный бизнес должен платить за устранение загрязнения:
(1) потому что частый бизнес порождает это загрязнение, и часть его прибыли должна идти на эти меры.
(2) бизнес должен инвестировать в разработку экологически чистых технологий и тем самым косвенно решать проблему загрязнения.Почему государство должно платить за устранение загрязнения:
(1) т.к. расходы на охрану окружающей среды могут быть настолько высоки, что только государство может их себе позволить.
(2) государство как гарант благосостояния в стране должно осуществлять постоянный контроль уровня загрязнения и принимать своевременные меры.Мое мнение: Должно иметь место сотрудничество между частным бизнесом и государством в охране экологии и устранении загрязнения, потому что в сообща решить проблему может быть проще.
Writing task 2
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Writing task 2
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Speaking test (Bangladesh)
– What is your name?
– What should I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Why is your home town interesting?
– Are there any interesting places in your home town? Which ones?
– How many hours of sleep does a person need?
– How many hours do you sleep each day?
– What do you do to fall asleep quickly?
– What are the disadvantages of lack of sleep?
– How many hours of sleep does an older person need?
Cue Card
Talk about a story someone told you, that you remember well. Please say
– Who told you the story?
– When did they tell you the story?
– Why do you remember this story?
– Explain why it is interesting to you.
Follow up question: Do you tell stories often?
– What is the importance of story telling?
– Do you think story telling is important for students?
– What kind of stories do young children like?
– How about older children?
– Did you ever tell any story to anyone?
– What story was it?
– Do you think children like adventurous stories?
– Do you think children like technology more than story telling?
– How can you use technology for story telling?
– What are the disadvantages of technological story telling?
– Do you use technology often for story telling?
– Do you think children should use technology for story telling or listen to a real person’s story?
Speaking test (Brazil)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where do you live?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment? Why?
– What is your favorite part of the house? Why?
– Do you think you will still be living in this house in the future? Why?
– Who do you spend most of your time with?
– Do you like spending free time with others or by yourself?
– What types of activities do you do with your family and friends?
– What do you like to do when you have free time?
– In what situations do people feel bored?
– Do you feel bored sometimes?
– What do you do to not feel bored?
Cue Card
Talk about something you do to concentrate at home or work. Please say
– What you do
– When and where you do it
– Whether you do the same thing always
– Why it is important for you to concentrate
– Why do people find it difficult to concentrate?
– Why can’t people focus more nowadays?
– Are there professions where you need to concentrate more, or where focus is really important?
– Do you know any other jobs where concentration is important?
– What can employers do to help their staff to concentrate?
– Is this a real thing or something you just came up with now?
– Is it possible to learn how to concentrate?
– Why do people find it particularly difficult to concentrate for long periods of time?
– Do you think machines are better than humans, because humans get distracted more easily?
Speaking test (Nigeria)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Is it far away this centre?
– Can you describe your hometown?
– Do you like to travel long distances?
– Would you like to fly to space?
Cue Card
Describe a public place that you have visited recently. Please say
– What is it?
– Where is it?
– When and with whom did you visit it?
– Did you like that place? Why?
– Do you like visiting public places?
– Do people enjoy vising public places, in your opinion?
– Do you prefer living in a big city or a small town? Why?
– Do you think people feel lonely in the cities?
– Why is that?
– Should public parks be free in cities? Why?
– Do you think public parks are better than private ones?
Speaking test (Pakistan)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where exactly do you live?
– How far is the place from here?
– How would you describe your place of living?
– Do you think gifts and presents are important?
– Do you like buying gifts for someone?
– Have you received any gifts recently?
– Did you like or dislike them?
Cue Card
Describe any important celebration or event that occurred in your life. Please say
– What did you celebrate?
– When and where was the celebration?
– Who did you celebrate it with?
– How did you celebrate it?
– What are the most important events that occur in a person’s life, in your opinion?
– How important is it to celebrate national events?
– What is the importance of celebrating national events to young people?
– How important is it to older generation?
Speaking test (India)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– How far is it from here?
– Do you like to select gifts for others? Why?
– What was the last gift you received?
– When was it?
– Did you like it?
– Are there any gifts you received and didn’t like?
– How do people enjoy their family?
– What do people do together with family?
Cue Card
Talk about an older person that you know well. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– How often do you meet him/her?
– What do you usually do together?
– How do you enjoy when you meet older people?
– People today find less time to spend with their kids. Is it fair?
– Both parents usually work today. What effect does this have on children?
– Do you think people spend less time with family today compared to the past?
– What should people do to spend more time with their kids?
– Should one parent give up a job to spend time with family?
Speaking test (UK)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Can you describe your job?
– Do you like being outdoors?
– How about working outdoors?
– Did your ever fly?
– Do you like flying?
Cue Card
Describe a music event or a program that you watched recently and liked. Please say
– What was it?
– Who did you watch it with?
– Why did you do it?
– What kind of musical programs are popular in your country?
– Are super star programs more popular than others?
– Does classical music help in school education? Why?
– What are benefits of such an education?
Speaking test (India)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– How far is this venue from your home?
– Do you like presents?
– What gift did you receive recently?
– Do you like buying gifts for others?
– Do you like traveling? Why?
– Would you like to travel to space?
Cue Card
Describe a situation where you had to be polite. Please say
– What was the situation?
– How did you react?
– How did you feel about it later?
– Is it necessary for a person to be polite?
– Why would you be polite to a stranger?
– What is the difference between politeness and kindness?
Speaking test (Japan)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Do you prefer to study in the morning or afternoon?
– What kind of animals do you like?
– Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
– Is it important for children to learn about animals?
– Have you ever had a pet before?
– What is your favorite outdoor activity?
– What is your favorite outdoor event?
Cue Card
Describe an important river or lake in your country. Please say
– What and where is it?
– What does it looks like?
– Why is it important?
– How long is that river?
– What kind of water sports are popular in your country?
– Is it important to know how powerful the water can be?
– Why do you think people go to the sea or river?
– What do you think about water pollution?
– What do you think about plastic pollution in our seas?
Speaking test (Malaysia)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What was your major?
– Where did you complete your study?
– Why did you chose that college?
– Do you feel bored sometimes?
– How often does it happen?
– Why do you feel this way?
– What do you do when you feel bored?
– Do you like to write letters or cards?
– Have you given any letter or card to someone?
– Do you like to receive letters or cards? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an animal that you like. Please say
– What is it?
– When and where did you see it for the first time?
– Why do you like it?
– How can schools educate children about animals?
– What can children learn from animals?
– How can rare species be preserved?
– What other measures can be used by the government to protect these species, apart from zoos and legislation?
Speaking test (Bangladesh)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you live in a flat or a house?
– Why do you live there?
– Do you use maps?
– Do you prefer paper or digital maps? Why?
– Did you use a map in your childhood?
Cue Card
Talk about a person who talks too much. Please say
– Who is that person?
– What is his/her relationship to you?
– What does he/she usually talk about?
– Do you think parents should let their children express themselves?
– Do you think parents should stop children when they talk sometimes?
– What do you think about group communication?
– What skills should a person have for good communication?
Speaking test (China)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Describe your home town please.
– How long have you lived there?
– Where do you live now?
– Why do you live there?
– What kind of apartment do you live in?
Cue Card
Tell a story that you know well. Please say
– Who told you this story?
– What is the story about?
– Why do you still remember it?
– Do you think children enjoy stories?
– Do you think you can tell the same story to younger and older children?
– How is technology involved in story telling?
– Did you tell anyone a story that impacted him/her later?
Speaking test (India)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you study?
– What college is it?
– Why did you select that college?
– Do you prefer a wet or dry climate? Why?
– Does it rain a lot in your area?
– Do you like rain?
Cue Card
Describe a job you would be interested to do. Please say
– What job is it?
– What skills do you need for this job?
– What makes it interesting?
– What jobs are people interested in, in your city?
– Do people change jobs frequently nowadays?
– Why is it so?
– Why don’t some people have good jobs?
Speaking test (Vietnam)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Why did you chose this role?
– Do you like growing plants?
– How would you react, if you got a plant as a gift?
Cue Card
Describe a shopping street that you like. Please say
– What and where is it?
– When did you visit it?
– Who did you go there with?
– Why do you think people visit this street?
– How was your experience there?
– Many people spend their time at shopping malls. Why do you think they do it?
– Do older people like going to local shops? Why?
– Why would people go shopping alone?
Speaking test (India)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What kind of job is it?
– Can you describe your first day at work?
– Do you remember a teacher from your primary school?
– Do you remember any teacher from your high school?
– Did you think about becoming a teacher when you were younger?
Cue Card
Talk about something that you would like to get replaced. Please say
– What is it?
– How old is it?
– Why do you want to replace it?
– What are the things that get replaced often?
– Who likes to replace things more frequently? Why?
– Do children replace things faster than adults?
– What are the effects of replacing items more frequently?
– How can we encourage people to do it less often?
– How is economic growth related to people becoming wasteful?
Speaking test (Oman)
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Can you describe your colleagues?
– Do you like to use a dictionary?
– Do you prefer to use an electronic or paper dictionary?
– Would you like to receive a dictionary as a gift?
– Would you like to write a dictionary?
– How much sleep time do you think a person needs?
– Which group of people needs more sleep, young or old?
Cue Card
Talk about an event you have celebrated recently. Please say
– What was the event?
– Who was there with you?
– How did you feel about it later?
– Why should events be celebrated in a group?
– What is the most important event in a person’s life?
– How can you see whether people enjoy an event or not?
– How is an international event beneficial to a country?