Задания из IELTS в июне 2018

На этой странице показан перечень некоторых заданий по Writing и Speaking с официальных экзаменов в июне 2018 года в разных странах мира. Используйте их для подготовки! Темами делятся люди, сдававшие IELTS. Мы даем свои комментарии на особенно интересные и каверзные, на наш взгляд, темы.

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Writing task 2 (China)

School teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Школьные учителя имеют больше ответственности в социальном и интеллектуальном развитии студентов, чем родители. Согласны или нет?

Тема намекает на то, что стоит рассмотреть роль учителей и роль родителей перед тем, как ответить на вопрос «Согласны или нет?»

Роль учителей в социальном и интеллектуальном развитии:
(1) учителя делятся специальными и точными знаниями со студентами больше, чем родители.
(2) учителя могут вовлекать студентов в различные мероприятия для их социального развития — как учебные, так и внеучебные.

Роль родителей в социальном и интеллектуальном развитии:
(1) родители могут обучать студентов в сферах, в которых они сами сильны (компьютеры, точные науки и т.д.).
(2) дети, как правило, копируют социальное поведение родителей, поэтому роль родителей в социальном развитии крайне важна.

Ответ на вопрос: Однозначно ответить на вопрос «Согласны или нет?» трудно, потому что и родители, и учителя имеют большое влияние на социальное и интеллектуальное развитие детей. Я бы сказал, что учителя имеют больше влияют на студентов в интеллектуальном плане, а родители — в социальном.


Writing task 2 (Indonesia)

Some people believe that preserving natural environment is crucial. However, most make no effort to do so. Why do you think this is happening? What are some simple actions that could help the environment?

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Некоторые считают, что охрана окружающей среды имеет большую важность, но большинство людей не прилагает для этого никаких усилий. Почему это происходит? Каковы простые действия, которые помогут в охране окружающей среды?

Поставлены два вопроса, на которые ответят два абзаца в essay body.

Почему большинство людей не прилагают усилий в охране экологии:
(1) люди могут считать, что это — прерогатива государства, а не отдельного человека.
(2) люди не приучены бережно относиться к окружающей среде в силу воспитания или менталитета.

Каковы простые действия для охраны окружающей среды:
(1) сортировать мусор и утилизировать его в надлежащих местах.
(2) сократить потребление — сокращение использования автомобилей и потребления пластика, замена его бумагой (упаковочные материалы, пакеты, тара для жидкостей).

Итог: сделаем резюме. Главные причины бездействия в плане охраны окружающей среды — перекладывание ответственности на государство и отсутствие знаний и навыков в сфере экологии. Простые действия — правильная утилизация мусора и сокращение потребления, которое наносит вред экологии.

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Writing task 2 (Singapore)

In many countries the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Some think this is good, while others believe this is a problem for a country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Во многих странах доля пожилых людей растет. Некоторые думают, что это хорошо, а другие считают, что это является проблемой для страны. Обсудите эти две позиции и дайте свое мнение.

Мнение 1: растущая дола пожилых людей — это хорошо:
(1) пожилых людей традиционно считают наставниками и советчиками для молодого поколения (как в семье, так и учебе и в карьере).
(2) пожилые люди становятся помощниками для молодого поколения в воспитании детей.

Мнение 2: растущая дола пожилых людей — это проблема для страны:
(1) с растущим пожилым населением возрастает финансовая нагрузка на государственный бюджет — социальные выплаты (пенсии и поддержка здравоохранения).
(2) падает рост населения, что может иметь негативные экономические последствия (нехватка рабочей силы).

Итог: растущая доля пожилого населения может негативно сказаться на экономической ситуации в стране ввиду нехватки рабочей силы и распределении большого процента государственного финансирования на социальные выплаты.


Writing task 2 (China)

Some people use the Internet to search for solutions to their medical problems. Is it a positive or negative development?

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Некоторые люди ищут решения своих медицинских проблем в интернете. Это хорошо или плохо?

Можно построить эссе только на мнении «хорошо» или только на мнении «плохо». Можно также рассмотреть «хорошо» и «плохо», и в конце эссе дать свое мнение.

Мнение 1: это хорошо:
(1) это может сократить число обращающихся в больницы, особенно если это касается несерьезных заболеваний.
(2) может улучшиться уровень компетентности населения в сфере медицины, если люди читают сайты известных и надежных медицинских специалистов.

Мнение 2: это плохо:
(1) каждый случай уникален, и требуется личная консультация врача, чтобы определить правильное лечение.
(2) в интернете может содержаться неверная, неточная или непроверенная информация о лечении, поэтому нельзя доверять всему, что предлагает интернет.

Итог: у этой тенденции несомненно есть как положительные, так и отрицательные стороны, и к поиску решений медицинских проблем стоит относиться осторожно и доверять только тем онлайн-ресурсам, где публикуются мнения опытных медиков. Однако более точное решение проблемы зачастую может дать только личная встреча со специалистом.


Writing task 2 (India)

Many people say that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects equally. Others, however, believe that students should spend more time on subjects they like, or are good at. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Школьники должны уделять одинаковое внимание всем школьным предметам. Однако есть мнение, что школьники должны концентрироваться только на тех предметах, которые им нравятся или которые они хорошо усваивают. Обсудите эти две точки зрения и дайте свое мнение.

Мнение 1: уделять одинаковое внимание всем предметам:
(1) школьная программа включает в себя перечень предметов, нужных для всестороннего развития, поэтому нужно уделять внимание им всем (и точные, и гуманитарные науки влияют на формирование личности и будущего специалиста).
(2) многие предметы и науки переплетаются между собой и поэтому нужно одинаково фокусироваться на всем (алгебра-геометрия-экономика, история-социология-литература).

Мнение 2: уделять внимание только тем предметам, которые нравятся:
(1) школьники обычно показывают склонность к той или иной сфере — значит нужно изучать глубже те предметы, которые даются школьнику лучше (только точные науки, только гуманитарные науки).
(2) есть мнение, что школьные знания в большинстве своем могут не пригодиться в дальнейшей профессиональной жизни, поэтому нужно дать школьнику свободу выбрать то, что у него получается лучше и может стать его профессией в будущем.

Итог: система образования должна проявить больше гибкости в построении школьной учебной программы, дав школьнику возможность концентрироваться на тех предметах, которые ему нравятся и которые даются лучше, потому что в будущем это может стать его карьерой.


Writing task 2 (Qatar)

Newspapers will remain the main source of news in the future and the Internet will not have any effect.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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Газеты останутся главным источником новостей в будущем, и Интернет никак на это не повлияет. Согласны или нет?

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Writing task 2 (Nigeria)

Measures have been put in place to improve road safety by reducing the speed limits. Some people believe there are better alternatives. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Speaking test (China)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Describe your hometown.
– How did you get here today?
– Who else came with you?
– What is the proper age for driving, in your opinion?
– Do you like to spend time with teenagers? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a long car journey that you had in the past. Please say

– Where and when did you go?
– Who did you go there with?
– Why did you decide to go there?


– What did you do on your journey?
– What vehicle did you have?
– What cars do you like?
– What are the benefits of private transportation?

Speaking test (Vietnam)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why do you study this subject?
– Do you like it?
– Do you think computers make our lives easier?
– How did our life change since computers appeared?
– Did you learn how to use the Internet at school?
– Do you think we use computers differently now compared to the past?
– Do you think we will use computers more in the future? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a parent or a relative that you admire the most. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– How do you know him/her?
– What does he/she do differently to others?


– How did parenting change compared to the past?
– Please give some examples.
– How should kids be raised, in your opinion?
– Do you think parents are scared of raising their children?

Speaking test (Qatar)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– How did get here today?
– Is it far from the place where you live?
– Describe your area.
– How many hours do you sleep a day?
– Do you think it is enough? Why?
– What do you do to ensure a good night’s sleep?
– Do you like sleeping during the day? Why?
– Do you think elderly people need more or less sleep than young?
– Why is it?

Cue Card

Describe a country or a city where you want to live or work. Please say

– Why do you want to go there?
– What makes this place different?
– How did you learn about it?


– What are the parameters that make a good quality of life for you?
– Is it more important to have a nice place to live or a place where you have a job?
– How much are security and safety important for a quality of life?

Speaking test (Singapore)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like your job?

Cue Card

Talk about an invention of technology (not a computer). Please say

– What is it?
– Is it a good invention? Why?
– Explain how is it useful to you?


– Do you think inventions are important?
– Can you name a few?
– How do they affect our life?

Speaking test (China)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Describe your house, please.
– Would you like to stay there for a long time?
– Do you use maps?
– How often do you use them?
– How long have you been using them?
– Do people use them in your country?
– Do they ask somebody for directions?

Cue Card

Describe a comic character whom you like. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– How do you know him/her?
– Why do you like him/her?


– Why do you think some people are popular?
– Do you think only media can influence the popularity of a person?
– Some younger people try to copy celebrities. Why do they do that?
– What are the benefits and drawbacks of being popular?
– Do you think actors are under pressure to look good in front of media?
– Do you have a role model who is a popular celebrity?

Speaking test (UAE)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What are your responsibilities?
– Do you like your job?
– How do you greet people when they come to your home?
– Do you meet your friends and strangers in the same way?
– How often do you meet your friends?
– Have you bought a gift for someone?
– Do you like to buy gifts for others?
– Do you like to receive gifts too?
– Did you ever receive a handmade gift?
– What was it?
– Who gave it to you?
– Do you remember any advertisements from your childhood?
– Why do people advertise on media?
– Do you think people buy unnecessary things when they see them advertised?

Cue Card

Talk about an instance when you saved money for a certain purpose. Please say

– Why did you save money?
– How long did it take you?
– How did you feel after getting what you saved for?


– Do you often save money?
– Are you good at it?
– Why do people buy things using credit cards?
– How do credit cards motivate people to buy even if they really don’t want it?
– People in different countries prefer online shopping, what are the reasons for that?

Speaking test (Iran)


– What is your full name?
– What should I call you?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– How far it is from here?
– Do you like music?
– What kind of music do you like?
– Do people in your country like music?
– Were you listening to music when you were younger?
– Do you think music will change in the future?

Cue Card

Describe your favourite season. Please say

– What is it?
– Why do you like it?
– Do you have a holiday during this season?


– Do you think people should go on holidays more? Is it beneficial?
– Do you think companies would benefit if the employees were to take long holidays?
– Do you think people should spend more on holidays?
– What is better, to take multiple but less expensive holidays, or to take few expensive ones?

Speaking test (Saudi Arabia)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How far do you live from the test centre?
– Do you like your home town? Why?
– What do you do for a job?
– Do you like it? Why?
– How can companies motivate their employees?
– What are company benefits for doing so?

Cue Card

Talk about a city or country where you would like to live or work. Please say

– What and where is it?
– Why would you like to be there?
– How did you hear about this place?


– How can we improve the quality of life in our society?
– What is the role of government in it?
– How can the government improve quality of life of a society?
– How can the government budget their spending for society?
– How can we measure happiness of our society?

Speaking test (Vietnam)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your job?
– How was your first day at work?
– Do you still like your job?
– Do you like rain?
– Why do you like it?
– Have you ever postponed your plans because of rain?
– Would you like to live in a wet area or dry? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a building you like. Please say

– What is it?
– Where and when did you see it?
– Why do you like it?


– What is the building used for?
– Have you been inside this building?
– Do you like to visit it often?
– Should the government be responsible for maintaining such buildings?
– What essentials are to be kept in mind when constructing a building?
– Is light the only essential factor?
– Should money be spent on the exterior design of a building?
– Are people influenced by buildings surrounding them?
– What types of buildings are the most popular today?
– Why is it so?

Speaking test (Malaysia)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like it?
– Where do you live now?
– What is your hometown famous for? Why?
– Do you like music?
– Do you like listening to it while working or studying?
– Do you prefer to buy music CDs or download it from the Internet?
– Did you listen to a lot of music when you were younger?
– Will there be any new forms of music in the future?

Cue Card

Talk about your favourite season during the year. Please say

– What season is it?
– Why do you like it?
– What do you do during this season?


– Do you enjoy it with friends or by yourself?
– Describe two activities that you do in winter.
– What season do you like other than winter?
– Describe the other seasons in your country.
– What do you do when going out in winter and summer?
– Do you think people like summer more?
– What occupations are suitable for each season?
– How many hours of sleep do people need?
– What do you do to have a good night sleep?
– Do older people need more sleep than younger? Why?

Speaking test (India)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– What is your favorite room? Why?
– Would you like to buy a house in the future?
– Do you use maps often?
– What kind of maps do you use?
– Why is that?
– What type of maps do people use the most nowadays?
– Why do you think it is so?
– Did you use paper maps before?
– Do you like to plan in advance? Why?
– How do you usually do it?

Cue Card

Describe a competition that you would like to participate in, such as music, cooking or sport. Please say

– What competition is it?
– Where and when would it take place?
– Why would you like to be in it?


– What preparation would you need to do for the competition?
– Why do people like to participate in competitions?
– Which sport or game is the most competitive?
– Who is more competitive, younger or older people?
– Why is it so?
– Why is there competition in work places?
– In what professions do you see more competition? Why?
– Do people learn from competition?

Speaking test (UAE)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– What do you prefer to cards or greetings on your birthday?
– Why is that?
– What do you mostly use for greetings, email or post cards?
– Do you think post cards will still be used in the future?

Cue Card

Describe an occasion when you wore traditional clothes. Please say

– When did you wear them?
– Where did you purchase them?
– How did you feel while wearing them?


– Do you always wear formal clothes?
– Is it mandatory to wear formal clothes? Why?
– Who should decide on a dress code of a company?
– Why do you think so?
– What is the main purpose of a dress code?

Speaking test (Italy)


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you like your job?
– Do you have a lot of friends?
– How often do you meet with them?
– What do you usually do together?
– Have you ever been on a boat?
– Would you like to own a boat? Why?

Cue Card

Talk about a particular science subject, that you enjoyed studying during your school years. Please say

– What subject was it?
– Who were your teachers?
– Why did you enjoy it?


– What is the importance of science developments in today’s society?
– How can science be useful in our daily life?
– What is the main difference between religion and science?
– Do you agree that science can be a sort of spiritual belief?



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