В феврале 2018 года на экзаменах IELTS в Великобритании была замечена тема о том, должны ли быть школьные каникулы короткими и несколько раз или лучше одни длинные каникулы в год. Найти аргументы на короткие каникулы легче, чем на длинные. Однако эссе получилось! Посмотрите его.
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Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS феврале 2018 года):
Some people think that several short holidays from school are better, while others think one long summer holiday for the year is better for children.
Discuss and include your own opinion and relevant examples from your experience.
План эссе:
Introduction – Должны ли быть школьные каникулы короткими и несколько раз или лучше одни длинные каникулы в год? Мое мнение — лучше несколько коротких каникул, чем одни длинные.
Essay body 1 –
Topic sentence: Доводы в пользу длинных каникул раз в год:
(1) учащиеся могут выполнить учебный план за более короткое время
(2) учащиеся смогут запланировать на длинные каникулы какие-то другие занятия (путешествия или временная работа)
Essay body 2 –
Topic sentence: Доводы в пользу коротких каникул:
(1) короткие каникулы несколько раз в году нужны для отдыха от школьной нагрузки
(2) короткие каникулы могут совпадать с праздниками, в течение которых население обычно отдыхает
Conclusion –
Мое мнение: вариант коротких каникул несколько раз в год предпочтительнее ввиду того, что учащимся требуется регулярный отдых.
Готовое эссе:
Whether students should have several short school breaks throughout a year or only one long holiday may have various outcomes for both educational systems and students. Although one long school break may seem more attractive, I believe that several short school holidays are much more beneficial.
On the one hand, it is thought that only one long holiday in an academic year is reasonable in terms of time. It is obvious that students would be able to complete a school curriculum in a shorter period of time and thus have a longer rest time. For instance, instead of typical studying for ten months, which may include three or four short breaks, a shorter study period of eight to nine months could provide more flexibility in the summer, a common rest season. As a result, students could plan various long-term extracurricular activities for such a prolonged holiday in the form of travelling, part-time work or any additional studies of their choice.
However, I support those who claim that several short holidays provide far more significant advantages. Short-term breaks are needed for students in order to have both physical and mental relaxation from heavy school workloads. If students spent ten consecutive months at school without rest, this would inevitably decrease their performance close to the end of such study term. What is more, it is common practice that school holidays coincide with public holidays, such as Christmas or Easter, which normally make it possible to have some time off work or studies for the entire population. The benefit of such events has been proven for generations as a way to break routines and provide much-needed rest.
In conclusion, even though one long school break may provide a longer combined rest time, I still believe that several short-term holidays in a year appear to be much more preferable. This is because having an opportunity to switch attention from studies to everyday non-academic activities is the key factor in maintaining a study-life balance.
329 words
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