Из тем Writing Task 2, которые использовались на официальных тестах IELTS в некоторых странах мира в апреле 2017 года, я выбрал одну и написал возможный вариант эссе. Посмотрите его.
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Эссе ниже я написал за 27 минут — это моя оригинальная работа, а не скопированное из Интернета эссе.
Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в апреле 2017 года):
Consumers nowadays are faced with increased advertising from competitive companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by these advertisements? What measures can be taken to tackle this issue?
План эссе:
Introduction – перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе
Essay body 1 –
Topic sentence: Ответ на вопрос: To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by these advertisements?
(1) реклама конкурирующих производителей влияет на выбор товара, и потребитель может сравнивать условия покупки и выбирать подходящий вариант — это плюс.
(2) засилье рекламы может путать потребителей, и они могут перестать на нее обращать внимание, и это снижает эффективность рекламы — это минус.
Essay body 2 –
Topic sentence: Ответ на вопрос: What measures can be taken to tackle this issue?
(1) рекламу стоит воспринимать критически, потому что в ней может содержаться ложная информация
(2) потребитель может смотреть отзывы о товаре/услуге онлайн или от знакомых, если рекламе он не доверяет
Conclusion – реклама выполняет положительную функцию, информируя потребителя, но ее засилье может вводить людей в тупик. Рекомендуется проверять качество товара/услуги, читая мнения других потребителей.
Готовое эссе:
It is commonly known that advertising is an inextricable part of market economy, and consumers often make decisions about purchasing goods through advertisements. There is an opinion that today’s buyers are exposed to increased advertising from competitive producers, and this naturally affects people. This influence and measures to be taken in order to cope with widespread advertisements will be presented in the following paragraphs.
One can hardly deny that advertisements could bring both benefits and drawbacks to consumers. On the one hand, advertising from multiple manufacturers serves as a convenient tool for an individual to compare the qualities of products and make a relevant choice. Conversely, the excess of advertisements nowadays could mislead and confuse people and would result in the fact that customers would ignore any type of commercial promotion available around them. Thus, the effectiveness of advertisements could substantially reduce and fail to attract potential buyers.
In a situation with the overabundance of advertising, some recommendations can be offered to consumers. Firstly, a person should treat any advertisement critically as the information provided in it could provide a limited overview about the product or even false information about its qualities. As an alternative, customers are advised to access product reviews available online to obtain a more detailed information before making a purchase. Asking for advice from family members or acquaintances who have had experience with the goods in question can serve as another option for a doubtful customer.
Summing up the above evidence, I would like to reiterate that advertising plays a vital role both for consumers and producers, but its increased amount could often cause confusion and distrust. To weigh the pros and cons of a product, customers should employ additional sources of information, such as the Internet or other consumers.
13 sentences
294 words
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