Writing Task 1: Как писать отчет по Maps

Maps в Writing Task 1 часто похожи на картинки из детских журналов, где просят найти (условно) 10 отличий. То же самое нужно сделать и вам — найти на карте то, что изменилось, и описать это достаточно кратко.

Посмотрите в видео ниже пошаговый алгоритм написания отчета по картам, где представлены изменения в спортивном центре.

Вот такая работа получилась:

The maps exhibit the current layout of the University Sports Centre and future renovations of the same.

Overall, the Sport Centre area is expected to double and unite its present outside territories under one roof. This will require the demolition of outdoor courts and the addition of new indoor spaces around the existing pool.

In terms of the present buildings, a 25-metre pool located at the core of the present building, as well as the nearby changing room and seating area, will remain unchanged. However, the adjacent gym is planned to be significantly extended, doubling in size, and a sports hall will be created to the east of the seating sector.

Turning to the external area, two outdoor courts located on both sides of the current sports centre facility are projected to become integral parts of the new centre building. Thus, the western courts will be converted into a leisure pool, while the eastern ones will be replaced by the sports hall and two dance studios. In the southern part of the building, the reception area is expected to be expanded as a sports shop and a cafe will be added to the left and to the right of the entrance respectively. Finally, two new changing rooms will be made available in both southern corners of the new building.

219 words


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Writing Task 1: Как писать отчет по Map


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