Подкаст MyIELTS 085 — Writing Task 1 Maps

Хотя этот тип заданий встречается значительно реже, чем line graph или bar chart, мы должны быть к нему готовы. Давайте вместе посмотрим пример.

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The maps below show the proposed changes in a house.


Готовый репорт

The maps illustrate the prospective reconstruction of a residential house.

Overall, the existing area is expected to become more spacious and conveniently navigated as several elements of the house will be removed or relocated. However, the basic room layout will remain unchanged.

A comparison of the maps reveals that the major changes are proposed for the space that is immediately adjacent to the main entrance. Thus, the wall delimiting the living room will be completely demolished, uniting the room with the hall. Another significant renovation will be performed with the stairs as they will be relocated to the rear part of the hall and will remarkably increase in size. However, the storage under the stairs is projected to be entirely removed.

Turning to the rooms, although the living room will not undergo any major redesign, kitchen will be updated with new kitchen furniture along its leftside walls. It should also be noted that the internal doors presently leading to the kitchen and the living room will be uninstalled as their place will be taken by the new stairs. New doors providing access to the kitchen are proposed to the left of the main entrance door.


Полезная лексика

to be constucted — construction
to be replaced by
to be converted into
to be transformed into
to be removed — removal
to be demolished — demolition
to be knocked down
to be uninstalled
to be renovated — renovation
to be refurbished — refurbishment
to be relocated — relocation
to be moved
to be expanded — expansion
to be extended — extention



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